[hider=Mio Peralta][centre][b][color=9e0b0f]Civilian Name:[/color][/b] Mio Peralta [b][color=9e0b0f]Alias:[/color][/b] Erase (Doesn't usually go by this) [b][color=9e0b0f]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=9e0b0f]Age:[/color][/b] 18 [b][color=9e0b0f]Hero or Villain:[/color][/b] Hero [b][u][color=9e0b0f]Civilian Looks[/color][/u][/b] [hider=Typical Outfit][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/134fb7766c30cc6d5874a6c5d40be22a/tumblr_nu9u50VEyS1rxmy8lo1_1280.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Face][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/6eeec82926cf22d0f417ac59d9285309/tumblr_nawrd8nY6h1qgq7tvo1_r1_500.png[/img][/hider] [b][color=9e0b0f]Costume:[/color][/b] Mio does not have a traditional costume, but he tends to wear a simple red and black hoodie when he is not being a civilian. [b][color=9e0b0f]Powers:[/color][/b] As his ability is incredibly confusing at first glance, for simplicity sakes, Mio refers to his ability as "Time Erasure". From Mio's point of view, while the ability is active, it renders everything in his vision as a nightmarish shade of red or black, before he decides on the amount of time to erase, (his limit ranges from any fraction of a second to five seconds.) Erasing any amount of time, does [b]not[/b] result in the erasure of the actions within the removed time, the actions still continue onwards, albeit with a small gap in the timeline. From the point of view of other people, the time erasure causes a gap in their memory - equivalent to the length of the time removed - that they simply cannot recall, no matter how hard they try. It is possible for people to realise that something has happened if they were in the middle of a task, as it would appear they were suddenly propelled forward in time. This Time Erasure ability is primary used for mobility, such as finding a suitable position from which to attack, creating opportunities for sneak attacks, and what is essentially "teleporting" from others' point of view. Secondly, Mio's Time Erasure ability has a more important defence purpose, for example, Mio can use his ability to erase the moment in which attacks impact, the attack continuing on as if he was not even there. Mio's Time Erasure has three major weaknesses, the first is that the erasing is more noticeable if he was fighting a group of people, in these situation Mio resorts to using sneak attacks and guerilla tactics. The second weakness is that the strength of the Time Erasure is completely dependent on Mio's stamina, as a tired state would result in a minor usage of the ability. Finally, Mio has to wait a complete ten seconds before he can erase time again, no matter how short the Time Erasure was. Mio also cannot see the future and has to judge where his opponents are going. [b][color=9e0b0f]Skills:[/color][/b] - Mio is extremely good at judging and predicting distances due to nature of his ability - He's also extremely good at juggling, try not to mix these up. - Mio has impeccable stealth skills, he usually practices this by sneaking up on people. - Mio is bilingual, he is fluent in both Spanish and English. - Due to his pickpocketing past, Mio is an experienced thief. [b][color=9e0b0f]Personality:[/color][/b] Due to his apathetic nature and bored voice, most people could not be blamed for thinking him to be a scary and angry person. In reality, Mio's true personality is actually that of a good-natured and humorous person. One major aspect of Mio's personality is that he enjoys confusing the hell out of a person, this is typically by attempting to explain or use his powers, which usually results in raised eyebrows and perplexed faces. Mio, for some reason, prefers to go by his surname, rather than his given name. Mio does not enjoy bringing up his pickpocketing past and would usually prefer to avoid doing so. [color=9e0b0f][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Mio Peralta was born in River City, California to a pair of Spanish immigrants, named Enrico and Rosa. Unfortunately, their family could not grasp the so-called 'American Dream' and were extremely poor as a result. Despite his lack of funds, Mio would often loiter outside of places such as cinemas, theatres and restaurants. Eventually Mio resorted to pickpocketing items off of the customers, a watch here, a wallet there, nothing too major that would attract attention to the areas he frequented. Eventually, at age fifteen, despite all the precautions Mio took to not be caught, the local police caught up to him and arrested him. As they put him in the police car, everything flashed red and black for a brief second before his vision returned to normal. As this was Mio's first and only crime, his petty theft was considered a misdemeanour and was only charged with a $250 fine. Despite the fact he got off lucky, the fine set his parent's funds back immensely, spiralling them further into debt. During this time, the red and black flashes returned, this time getting longer and more intense. He also noticed that people around him would appear to have gaps in their memory right after these flashes. A few months later, Mio was almost run over by a car after a deadly traffic accident, but before the car hit him, everything once again flashed red. Mio then realised that the car had not hit him, it was almost as if the car had 'skipped' past him, the driver didn't even remember him being there in front of them. This was the first instance that Mio had used his Time Erasure ability. Mio realized he was more than human, positively superhuman in fact. He began training his power, hoping to be a tool for good rather than just submitting to a life of crime. He would spend days practising his power, erasing time here and there and gradually doing more and more risk taking things as time went on. It got to the point where he was leaping out in front of cars just to test his ability. Ultimately Mio entered a career in vigilantism, usually his ability to take down small-time robbers and villains. Any amount of money he earned during this he simply gave to his parents, which accounts for his lack of costume or equipment. A year later, when he turned sixteen, he found out about the local River City Academy and joined in an attempt to solidify his position as a hero, and stay away from the path he was headed on before he gained his powers. [/centre][/hider]