[center] [b][i][u]River City Academy - Main Hallway [color=fff79a]Charly[/color] Winter[/u][/i][/b] [/center] Charly smiled as Joan spoke. Charly looked up to her somewhat, not only for her heroing duties, but for the fact that she had decided to open up an establishment such as River City Academy. She could have gone for the fame and glory of being a solo hero, or even the greater glory of forming a superhero team. But instead, she chose to build a school to house and educate the heroes of the next generation. It was charitable to say the least, half of the kids at the school had been alienated by their parents for being freaks, a safe haven like River City was just what they needed. When asked if she had been practising her powers, Charly perked up considerably, grinning from ear to ear like a child in a candy shop. [color=fff79a]"I almost forgot to say! I figured out a new thing that I can do with my powers!"[/color] She exclaimed gleefully, reaching into her satchel and pulling out a small tied pouch. She picked a seed from the pouch before putting said pouch back into her satchel and placing the seed on the palm of her open hand. Previously, a look of serious conviction would have spread across her face, but she had gotten quite good at this little trick since she began trying it out. Within a minute the seed sprouted and grew into a small tree sapling. [color=fff79a]"I'm able to make it fully grown as well! I just wouldn't want to start a garden in the middle of the hallway."[/color] She joked, the delivery was rather flat, but Charly was never one to be a comedian. [center] [b][i][u]River City Academy - Main Hallway [color=6ecff6]William [/color]Winter[/u][/i][/b] [/center] William gave a small smile to the girl as she spoke. It was rather humorous to hear her constantly speaking in rhymes. She must have been quite quick on her feet to think of the rhymes on the spot like that. He scratched the back of his head before speaking. [color=6ecff6]"How do you think of rhymes that quickly? I struggle to even learn lyrics to my favourite songs, let alone make ones up on the spot!"[/color] He joked grinning. [color=6ecff6]"Is that your power? Are you one of the smart people or something?"[/color] He asked, his words lingering upon broken English. He quickly realized what he was supposed to be doing. [color=6ecff6]"Anyhow, it's lovely to meet both of you, my sister is just in the hallway across from here."[/color] He explained, beginning to walk before realizing something and turning back to the two. [color=6ecff6]"I almost forgot, are you able to follow me without any help? You can just grab on to my shirt if you like, saves you having to call out so often." [/color] He spoke, stretching his shirt out with his hand as he did.