Matthew was trying to look for something - [i]anything [/i]- to block the door with. He unintentionally Peter-Pipered a large group of zombies for the simple reason he wandered into a damn trap. He resorted to using a chair, then used the strap of his bag to secure the door handles together.. Hopefully that holds against however many he brought along with him. Just as he started to settle down, he felt the water pour onto his head. He let out a girlish shriek and got out from under the torrent of clear liquid, briefly thinking he just stumbled into a zombie haven and just got drooled on.. he realized that was a dumb thought not long after. He looked up to examine the ceiling, looking for gaps or anything where it could have rained before, again, realizing that's a dumb thought. It's hotter than Satan's asshole out there and it hasn't rained during the whole event. That's when it hit him. There might be someone else in here. The blonde didn't know what to think for a moment, but a hard [i]thud[/i] on the library doors told him he [i]probably [/i]shouldn't worry about that right now. Besides, if the person wanted him dead, he'd be dead by now.. unless they're sleeping, or haven't come back from death yet. He shoved the doors closed when they threatened to open, then quickly exchanged the chair for a table - that'll surely be better, right? [hider=OOC] My writing is really choppy and weird I'm sorry XD hopefully it's not too jarring, though. [/hider]