[@Mr_pink] [h3]Kaite Siree, River city Acadamy, main hallway[/h3] A smile on her features the albino grabbed her cane, tapping it vertically on the ground as it rose to her hands in a smooth motion. She seemed to gain a little pride from the question, her back straightening slightly more. "Tis a simple trick, as though one would wave a stick. I grew up with stories you see, and thus they became a part of me. If I for some reason were to stop, than my powers would be amok." She never really had any control over her abilities, but ever since she began to speak as though she were living in a story book the strange things that followed her would become a bit easier to manage. Even than she continued, it brought a smile to her face, as though the things that made her connected to those around her, the stories read to her at night were that much closer. Hearing his footfalls she began to follow, shaking her head when he asked if she needed to hang onto him. "I was born without my eyes, and thus what I see is as clear as a morning sky. So you do not have to worry, in fact I have been known to move quit fast when in a hurry." Following after him, the sound of her cane followed, a gentle hand she waved through the crowed, the tip of her cane pressing into something causing her to move out of the way before it was too late. She was a contender in the Olympics, hanging onto that fact she felt as though she could take on anything. "So new friend, if I may call you so, is it aright if I ask you what you know? Of this school and powers alike, you see I just came here because my own has caused my family some fright, I'm afraid I am lost in more than one way, the rules here are strangely made, but this was the only place that would let me stay