[h3][b][i][color=7F7765][center]Lucan Cauldwell[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [center][b][color=7F7765]Location:[/color][/b] The Crossed Swords Tavern [b][color=7F7765]Interacting With:[/color][/b] There's a lot of people, okay?[/center] [color=7F7765]"Persephone? Aye, i'll go - Arseling might find a way to stink up the place if heads back upstairs."[/color] Lucan smirked in a self-amused manner at his new name for Keystone, shifting on the stool he sat on, he moved to stand up properly, shifting his belt slightly as he moved to the stairs. His little nickname for Keystone wasn't one with any intended offence, nor was it one with any degree of real mocking, Lucan simply found the name especially apt considering his experience of Keystone so far - which was little more than making a horrid stench. Getting to the top of the stairs, Lucan moved along the hall until he found the room he'd spotted Persephone disappear into the night before. Reaching down with one hand, he tried the handle. Expecting it to be locked however, he reached up with his free hand in the same movement to knock on the door audibly, not exactly being gentle in his attempts to rouse Persephone as he called through the door. [color=7F7765]"C'mon, Seph, sun's up and there's money to be made!"[/color] He continued to bang on the door and shift the handle, listening for any signs of movement on the other side of the door. Admittedly, Lucan had been reluctant to join the group at first, but after the much-needed company of a woman and a good night's sleep, he was honestly beginning to look forward to what lay ahead - and as a result, he was making his eagerness known in his efforts to rouse Persephone.