Alexandria Skye "BOOM! HEADSHOT!" She thought enthusiastically in her mind. But her pride in her supposed kill was short lived when she saw the woman [@thewizardguy] get back up, seeing parts of skull visible, and flesh regenerating over the massive gash in her head. "What the hell!?" She said to herself. Then with a gust of air behind her, the unidentified woman started sprinting towards the Recon Squad's direction at inhuman speeds. "Oh Shit!" she exclaimed. "Hostile is heading towards our position! All teams! Open fire!" Alexandria and her squad mates fired their laser weaponry at the woman, but somehow the attacks were just deflecting right off of her. Realizing this inhuman monster wasn't even being slowed down by their continuous assault, she had to think of a plan... and fast! "All teams!" She blared on the communicator. "Ready all heavy weaponry, rocket launchers, grenades, anything you can muster!" The entire squad got prepared. The Sniper teams would throw their grenades, the majority of the squad would launch their grenades out of grenade launchers, and the heavy ordinance team would lock-on-target and fire heat-seeking rockets from their rocket launchers. "When you see the enemy come to a halt, unleash Hell!" Alexandria's plan was to wait for the enemy to get just within everyone's firing range then stun her in place with a well placed sonic screech. She would have to be precise with her timing though. If she screeched too early than the woman could avoid the majority of the squad's weaponry. Too late and they could all be dead meat. Steeling herself, she stood her ground like a matador against a charging bull, waiting for the most opportune moment to strike. "Steady...Steady!" She thought, sweat dripping from her brow. She prayed that her lightning fast reflexes and good timing would kick in just in time and hoped the screech would be enough to stop the woman dead in her tracks mere dozens of yards away from herself. When it looked like the enemy would be here any second she thought "NOW!" and let out an ear bursting sonic screech towards the charging enemy's direction.