Cassandra well knew that adrenaline could push you to do things you otherwise couldn't, but adrenaline wore off. Sure, she had no doubt Vanessa could have climbed up the hill with billy, but to move through the forest with him? No, it didn't seem possible. She let it go, for now. At the mention of Evan, Cassie looked about, seeing that indeed the boy was missing. What was going on? Shw wanted to go search for Evan, but Kade beat her to it. As Vanessa proceeded to adjust Billy's foot, Cassandra winced. She nearly spoke up, told her to wait, that she had some mild pain killers in the first aid kit, but it was too late. And probably for the best. But as Vanessa addressed her, Cassandra gave a sigh. [color=f6989d]"you don't use ice or anything cool on a break, it can make it worse-particularly pain wise. You just bandage it up, stabilize it so it doesn't move, in the woods like this, we can find plenty of sticks to make a splint which can prevent too much movement. I have some bandages we can use to tie it all together, but never put the tie along the break. Above and below the break is best, and then one high up to stablise it."[/color] Cassandra said, rattling it all easily, as she began to death for a good stick. She judged Billy's height, the length of his legs, and found something suitable, liking the thickness. She broke it down the bottom so it bent but didn't break off. [color=f6989d]"so up the top, along the bottom of the foot, and just above the ankle would be good. Not too tight but not loose so that they slip down." [/color] She dropped down beside Billy, with the splint and bandages, as well as a bottle of water and the pain killers. She lay the splint along Billy's leg, being careful not to touch the foot too much, bending the stick where she had broken it slightly, to the foot, and tied a bandaged where she judged it was best, doing the same above the ankle, and then around Billy's thigh, with competence and ease. [color=f6989d]"like this, see? It steady's it, probay feels a lot better then just hanging about, and it enables support, without being too painful or restrictive. I'm going to touch your foot now, billy, to feel your pulse and make sure I'm not cutting blood flow off"[/color] she said, doing just that, trying to be as gentle as possible. [color=f6989d]"I'm only going to give you one pain killer, cause I'm not too sure if you hit your head or not, but it should take away some pain. If you fall asleep I will splash water over your face. Stay awake, okay?"[/color] she held out the pain killer and the water, opening it. [color=f6989d]"it's just over the counter stuff, but still."[/color] she rocked back on her heels, satisfied. [color=f6989d]"I'm not going to tell my Aunt the first aid course was helpful. She'll never shut up about it"[/color]