Ethan smiled cheerfully, not entirely listening to what she just said. [color=f7941d]"Burning people? You mean with those funny jokes that make people go "OOOOOOOOOH?" I love those! Even when they are aimed at m...oh."[/color]He stopped talking.[color=f7941d] "You mean with fire. And it is time to burn me? What did i ever do to you?"[/color] He got up, spinning his halberd. He didn't have his shield, but he didn't need it. Two hands on a halberd was always fun... [color=f7941d]"I don't like hitting girls miss. At least, thats what my par...i mean, all the authority figures in my life have told me. Buuuuut...If someone wants to pick a fight just for fun..." [/color] He spun his halberd again, the end beginning to glow. [color=f7941d]"I always pick a fight for a reason! But asking the time? That's just mean!"[/color] He stopped spinning the halberd. His eyes boring into hers. [color=f7941d]"Ladies first..."[/color]