[center] [hider=rechonq's crane] Appearance - [img]http://pre01.deviantart.net/db42/th/pre/f/2015/115/e/1/japanese_crane_by_nerior-d8qzgjo.jpg[/img] Name - Reagan Croley (Ray) Age - 22 Sex - Male Species - Hybrid / Crane Crush/Relationship Status - Single Clubs - Soccer, Volleyball, Gaming club, Fencing/Kendo club. Sailing club. Personality - Ray is a pretty happy guy. He has a lot of self-control and patience for others and a genuin interest in all of their stories. This has made it very easy for him to get along with lots of people. Sometimes making friends with people who hate each other. He doesn't really have a click, instead he has all of the clicks. Even though he has his clubs, it's not rare to see him drop in on other clubs as well. He is pretty smart and very thoughtful. He doesn't have the most knowledge, but he uses his knowledge to it's fullest potential. He is pretty good at sounding like he knows what he is doing even if he may not know. He also knows when another really knows their stuff and could shut him down, so he doesn't really try around them. Instead he just tries to learn to gain more ammo for another encounter. Ray's personality can change from person to person. He tends to be sort of a people pleaser, but he just sees it as being entertaining. Some people just really can't read a room and he tries to not b that person. If he is enetering into a new environment he can be quieter at first, until he gets the feel of those around him. He can get haughty some times as well. He tries not to show it, but he can start to view people as below him. He doesn't like this habit, and tries to stop, but some people make that very hard. He can also be cold at times. He is pretty selfless and will be sacrificial to help others, but at the same time gives little pity when bad things happen. Biography - Ray's mother was head of the Crane clan and his father was the CEO of a major shipping corporation. The Crane clan was a very powerful and prideful clan amongst the hybrids. The pride of the clan was rather spread out amongst several areas as well, which is probably how they came to be so powerful. The cranes were very smart and wise in the ways of government and economy. They capitalized on all of their resources very carefully and maximized their value. The cranes were proud of all of their peoples achievments. Physical prowess held no height above the mental and vice versa. Geniuses, athletes and warriors were all rewarded the same if they achieved the height of their field. Many would cross fields as well. A dumb warrior was not held in very high regard, even if he was strong. The same went for weak Geniuses. The cranes society was one of constant growth. As long as everything was being used to it's fullest potential, then it was good. These ideals were engrained into Ray as well. His mother and father did love each other, but the fact they were both powerful figures solidified their marriage much more. It was a no brainer for the family and quite obvious that Ray would be attending this new prestigious school for hybrids. Ray grew up with big expectations put on his shoulders. He was intimidated by it when he was younger, but now he has come to find that he can do anything he wants and as long as he does it well, then he has met the crane standard. [/hider] [/center]