[i]"and with that, Stephen walked away, a whimsical smile etched on his face."[/i] Katherine snapped shut the book she was reading at the sound of the bell. The novel she had been reading was only marginally interesting, so she decided not to delay class for its sake. She was sitting by herself at one of the picnic tables when she saw a familiar face- it was a teacher. From the teacher's line of sight, it appeared as though he was calling Kirin; and he probably had a good reason to -Kirin was barely passing classes, afterall. Katy looked at the boy, wondering whether he was going to respond to the teacher or not. The typical response would be to ignore the teacher as long as possible. Afterall, no one was exactly enthusiastic about getting an earful from a teacher. Katy placed her bookmark, a simple cardboard piece with an owl at the top before continuing to her locker. After opening it, she took out the books she needed and placed the novel back in the locker.