((Collab post between Happy Go Lucky and Letter Bee)) [quote=@Letter Bee] "Anyway, teleporting to Akihiko Sanada's residence in a few moments!" ((To be continued)) [/quote] And with that, Mewtwo teleported them to just outside Akihiko's home. Given the fact Akihiko was going through college, on the orders of aigis ever since the previous events involving the labrys incident, Akihiko settled in a fairly average apartment, the wood along the doors frame was loose, as if it had been tugged too hard. Inside, Akihiko was already hard at work at his training, every day in the morning, evening and even at night, the "protein junky" did his best to keep in tip top condition, even while studying at college. A glossy sweat was wiped away from his brow, dressed in his tournament fighting gear, which he adorned during the incident with labrys, a suit that granted him both the ability of movement and precision with his strikes, while leaving him a little defenseless in terms of taking damage, Akihiko didn't mind this, prefering to predict and dodge blows like a true boxer. [b]"Heh..."[/b] Akihiko sighed, a grin slowly spreading, confident that his morning training was going according to plan, his right hand clasped onto a pocket watch, allowing him to read the time. "A new record! I'm on a roll!" However... Akihiko always had the ability to sense things around him, call it instinct, but the feeling of him being approached filled the air with an ominous aura. As quickly as his fists could move, Akihiko firmly latched onto the "gun", a firm reminder of days long ago. [b]"Nah... i won't be needing you... besides, it shouldn't work here... i'm not in the TV... nor the dark hour..."[/b] Thus, Akihiko approached the door and swung it open, getting into a fighting stance until he saw who it was outside, and the only words he could convey... were words of confusion. [b]"What the....?!"[/b] "This isn't an illlusion, a mirage, or a hoax, although I'm good at all three," Osamu spoke suddenly. "My name is Osamu Akiyama, Osamu the Second, and I come from another universe. I used powers from other worlds to repel Nyx and prevent her from destroying the world, then I ressurected Minato Arisato for reasons that I will reveal once I've reunited the surviving members of SEES." "And we," spoke Takeru, "will just sit here and do nothing." "Don't be like that," Hikari responded to her husband, "we're witnessing a heartwarming moment here!" "What strikes me as most strange was that 'Boss Naoki' thought that the prime confrontation was going to be between Nyx's ability to kill everything, and Xerneas' abilty to share Eternal Life," said Mewtwo. "But Osamu found another solution." A pointed look at Osamu. "Please swallow that pride." Akihiko was at a total loss for words, and for a moment, he simply stared, mouth agape at the sight of the man he once had thought had died, he hardly looked like he aged, still the same calm and collected student as before! Akihiko must have looked like a total idiot for a minute straight! But enough was enough, and Akihiko had to say something to him, anything! Though only one sentence came to mind, and he smiled warmly. [b]"Heh... where've you been?"[/b] His voice quivered, holding back tears of joy, he extended his hand outward, which minato graciously accepted, giving a firm powerful shake. [b]"I'm back"[/b] Minato spoke non chalantly, giving Akihiko a smile of confidence, though he wasn't as expressive, Akihiko knew it was from the heart. [b]"But..."[/b] Akihiko trailed off, trying to comprehend how Minato could be alive, and yet the fall has not occured, though he already had heard their tale of the story, it was just hard to believe. [b]"Ah!"[/b] Elizabeth perked up, her voice as chipper as it always was. [b]"This must be what one would call, being flabbergibbled!"[/b] .... The former SEES members all shared an awkward glance at Elizabeth, who only cocked her head in confusion at their bewildered gazes. [b]"Is that not the right word?"[/b] She asked seriously, though before they could answer, she was already keen to give it another go. [b]"Flippergasped!"[/b] She boomed. Aigis gaving her a small smile, like a mother would give their bumbling child for making a funny mistake. [b]"That was... better"[/b] Aigis retorted. [b]"But we should discuss the more important matters at hand!"[/b] Akihiko gave Aigis a nod. [b]"You're right... You brought our friend back to life... for what purpose? I doubt it was simply out of your good will... What's the catch?"[/b] Akihiko finished, staring at the Mewtwo and his allies. "I was going to wait till we've gathered all the remaining members of SEES," Osamu Akiyama said, "but, all right, I'll give a brief explanation." "First up, there are thousands of universes in the Multiverse, of every 'genre' you can think of. Fantasy, Science Fiction, Drama, Slice-of-life, all of those exist. The majority of those worlds were once ruled by The Council, until said Council was overthrown by the Reign of Chaos, who want to establish a tyrannical empire like in Star Wars. The Council is fought against by two factions; one is The Resistance, which wants to re-create the Council, and the other is us, the Mon Alliance, which wants to represent the special interests of our slice of the Multiverse." "Coicidentally, the leader of the Reign of Chaos is [i]also[/i] named Nyx, but she wants to tyrannize the worlds instead of enthusianize them." Akihiko listened carefully to the speech, and nodded his head every once in a while. Once the speech was over, a smirk- no a wide grin had appeared, both aigis and minato knew that expression, and could see a fire burning behind his eyes. They knew exactly what he was going to say next. [b]"So... Another showdown with Nyx, huh? We did it once, we can do it again!"[/b] Akihko slammed his fist into his open palm with a thud! [b]"I've been waiting for this!"[/b] Aigis and Minato smiled at their friend, happy to know that the fire of combat hadn't died out in his soul, and he was eager to fight and protect his friends once more. No doubt this too was another excuse to up his training! [b]"Then we are all in agreement. Yes?"[/b] Aigis spoke, causing Akihiko and Minato to nod. Aigis turned to the others. [b]"Then let us be off right away, we have no time to lose!"[/b]