[@Nightknight] ((My char's flying, but I get why you'd be confused)) As Darquesse propelled herself through the air, she noticed the entire company readying it's heavy explosives. She smiled, as she prepared to guard herself with her powers. She could use her wind magic to stop most projectiles mid-air, or even send them straight back. While it was most certainly a valiant effort, there was no way such mundane weaponry would stop her. She flew closer, surrounded by her own little air vortex as she moved like a blur. Most normal humans wouldn't even be able to keep up with her at this point, and she wasn't certain she would even need to block the projectiles, as she could just weave through the explosions. In fact, she wanted to test just that, when things suddenly started going south far too quickly. First she was hit by a blast of immense sound. She could feel it shaking in her bones as her eardrums burst, her mind temporarily flooded by pain before she turned it off. But the blast of sound had succeeded at stunning her, halting her flight midair. And as she blinked to recover, she noticed a barrage of missiles and grenades heading her way at high speed, already too close and too many for her to be able to effectively dodge them. Annoyed, she stretched out her hands in protest. A shockwave propelled itself through the air from her, blasting the grenades back towards the company of soldiers who had thrown them. The missiles were merely slowed down for a moment though, and she had no way of deflecting them before they struck her. Shadows sprung from her flesh, and she cocooned herself in solid darkness before they struck her. The barrier held as she was engulfed in flames, but only barely. It was annoying to admit, but those missiles could have done some serious damage if she'd been just a moment later with her shadow barrier. [@Divinity] Meanwhile, the company of soldiers was suddenly dealing with a rain of grenades. Without immediate action, everything besides heavy ordinance would find itself suddenly wiped out by the explosive rain. Luckily for the soldiers, Corban seemed to pop into the battlefield from thin air at that exact moment. As Darquesse was getting slammed by missiles, he formed a barrier that saved the soldiers from an explosive death, fulfilling his role as Guardian rather aptly. A thin shield of diamond formed like a canopy over the sodliers, and while it was shattered by the barrage of explosions it had taken the damage rather than the men themselves. Something that surely they were all grateful for. Darquesse looked down, as she realized another magic-user had joined the battle. She could tell from his aura that this guy also used some strange school of magic, although it seemed slightly akin to what fancy suit man had used. Perhaps they were from the same universe? She'd need to figure out how this whole thing worked, but that was for later. She also noticed that there was a rather special figure among the soldiers, clad in heavy mechanized armour of some kind. This was most likely the figure responsible for the sonic scream a bit ago. She grinned, as she realized she'd be able to coerce the mech guy into getting her power armour. Or perhaps she could take this suit, if she didn't bang it up all too badly in the fight that would no doubt follow. Regenerating her eardrums, Darquesse spoke to the couple as they no doubt prepared for another assault. "Hey, nice move with the sound wave thing. That nearly got me. Round of applause." Darquesse could practically taste the fear in the human soldiers below. A number of them fired, but these weapons weren't powerful enough to pierce her magical protection, and they were ignored. "So I figured I was just going to be killing mooks, but it looks like you've got a cool suit. And THIS guy" Darquesse gestured at Corban "has cool powers. So I think I'm going to take your suit, and I'm going to beat the shit out of that guy with it. If you give it to me nicely I probably won't even kill you." Darquesse refrained from attacking, giving them a moment to consider her offer.