Before Ria even had a chance to respond, a bolt of familiar black energy rammed into the frozen man, dispersing the ice and sending him reeling backward. Before he had a chance to fall and hurt himself, Illedrith was there to catch him, putting him back on his feet and brushing the last of the ice off his shivering shoulders. Too disturbed by the events and the escalation of mages in the area, the stall owner looked down as his shoes and ran off for the edge of the street without even a word of thanks. In his place, an unwelcome sight filled Illedrith's vision. [color=slategray]"Well well well, two little harlots appear in a Golem event and they attack the citizenry? Tch tch tch. That's no good... Maybe you two ought to leave"[/color] An already deteriorating outing was about to get even worse it seemed, and Illedrith's eyes took on a hard glint as she glared at Vega across the street. However, before she had the chance to do anything reckless, more Golem members arrived and chimed in, her salvation arriving in the form of Rei Miyamoto. [color=#005ec0]"Enough. The guildmaster had arranged this event as the founding of the guild, not for the purpose of prohibiting Harpy's Wings members from joining. If you have a problem with this decision, take it with me. "Ria, I would advice you not to propagate the misuse of your powers at our festival; Illedrith, reprimand her as needed."[/color] It also seemed that Sunny had arrived sometime during the confusion and was mirroring Rei's sentiments. Another of the members of Golem's Hand that she had no real desire to interact with, Illedrith unconsciously drew closer to her sisters to place herself between them and the notorious sis-con. However, he walked away without incident, and the situation seemed to be less likely to deteriorate into a fight. Breathing a sigh of relief that the incident looked like it would blow over for the moment, she turned to her sisters and replied. [color=fff79a]"Yes. Food. Good idea, I'll need it after this. Go check out the food stalls yourselves, but stay close and don't get lost! I'll deal with this and catch up with you."[/color] Turning back to the scene, she called out to the savior of the situation, while also keeping her eye on the perpetrator of the incident [color=fff79a]"Solus! Thanks for that; would you mind sticking around to help me deal with this? It's fine if you'd rather not though, this is a Harpy incident after all..."[/color]