[b]Name[/b]: Antoni Entrerios. [b]Age[/b]: 20. [b]Gender[/b]: Male. [b]Race[/b]: Changeling (believes himself to be human). [b]Physical Description[/b]: Antoni is preternaturally tall (almost 7' 0"), and far thinner than anyone has any right to be, with bones showing against his skin almost everywhere. He has short brown hair, a mild tan, a large, pointed nose, and an eternally nervous expression. Most people that meet him assume that he's starving, rather than merely having barely enough skin to go around. Due to his height, he tends to wear whatever he can, which leads to an eclectic assortment of t-shirts, jeans, and especially baggy sweaters. [b]Personality[/b]: Kinda awkward, but nice enough. Stutters a bit, and has been that way since birth. Has garnered a reputation as a bit paranoid, mostly because he is. Very much a crowd-pleaser (at least, that's what he tries to be). Strangely enough, Antoni is a very good public speaker; he keeps the stutter, but all of his nervousness seems to melt away. [b]History[/b]: Antoni grew up in a small town in Catalonia, Spain, which was located between two rivers that split before they entered the town, then became one again as they left, making it a pseudo-island. Antoni was no different from any other child, save for his magical talent. His childhood was mostly that of a normal kid, though he was raised by his father, since his mother skipped out on them when Antoni was 1. He also had the addition of practicing his unique, water-based magic whenever he got a chance. He had always harbored an interest in other cultures and languages, and since there weren't any good colleges for that sort of thing nearby, he decided to go to college in Eagle Rock after hearing that their language program was particularly extensive. He's gotten an apartment near one of the nearby shallow lakes, and has a job at a bookstore in town. However, there's something Antoni doesn't know about himself; he's actually a changeling, and his mother was one of the more benevolent Winter fey (which isn't saying much), hence his affinity for water. [b]Skills[/b]: Public speaking, running, and speaking other languages (though understanding them is an entirely different story). [b]Powers[/b]: Antoni is a fairly good focused mage, specializing in water magic. His spells aren't affected by running water like other wizards, but to compensate, they're much less powerful. His best spell is to create a small jet of water and throw it at someone with force enough to take off someone's head, but it drains him quite a bit, so he tries to stick to things like a water whip, a la Katara. His magic is also useful for such things as healing magic (though the afflicted area needs to be wet for it to work), breathing underwater (only for a few minutes though), power over ice and water vapor (less powerful than plain water though), and various mundane utilities like chilling drinks and cleaning laundry. [b]Other[/b]: Has a knife that his parents gave him when he was a kid that he uses as both a keepsake and a focus. There's also a handy enchantment on it that lets it act as an impromptu flashlight. He's also fluent in Catalonian and Spanish, has a good enough grasp of English to understand his professors, and uses words in Basque to cast his spells, though he can't speak it outside those few words. His favorite drink is root beer.