Cythlla looked around the bar at those who had entered. She noticed a grave robber having fun with a hound Master after winning a few gambling games. "I think I'm going to like you." Cythlla said with a smile as she approached the Grave Robber. "Woman like you are suprisingly hard to come by you know." Cythlla added with an almost lustful grin on her face. There were many strange things about Cythlla, she cared not what others look at her like. If the jester was at all paying attention he would notice that he was almost entirely ignored. Finally Cythlla turned to Abdul again. "Why don't me and the Grave Robber here go get the supplies." Cythlla suggested, she wanted to get this mission underway as soon as she could. She highly believed in only trusting herself when it came to getting things done. She had many flaws after all, but her will to get things done and ready properly wasn't one of those flaws. "I'm Cythlla by the way, the Hellion." Cythlla said introducing herself to the group.