[h3]Vega Ashworth | The Festival[/h3] [color=slategray]"Well I haven't kicked you today yet have I? You stupid dog"[/color], his sharp retort and scowl was swift as he turned quick to meet him. [color=slategray]"You have 365 days of every year to not annoy me with your shitty puppy whining voice but here you are"[/color], as he spoke he stepped closer and closer to Travis. His face? Silly. If it was his way of trying to intimidate him, he would soon realize that someone who's been intimidating with just his expression for a long time was far scarier. He stood imposingly over Travis, their faces fairly close as he looked down on him. His black aura lined with aggressive purple markings began to slightly seep from him as he spoke. [color=slategray]"Now I suggest you scram or I'm about to turn this festival into a festival of blood. I was having such a nice day until you and Rei showed up"[/color], he stated. Well, it was kind of true, he was almost about to have a fairly tame day, but between Rei interfering and making him grumpier, and Travis annoying him... Well, he wasn't taking kindly to it.