The land of Moria Name: Connor Finn Race: Morian(human) turned werewolf Age: 19 Gender: Male Class: he was an animal tamer early in his life, then a warrior, he is now a were-beast Backstory: As a child Connor grew up in a small village on the edge of a large forest. When he was small he would frequently disappear for days with nothing but the clothes on his back and a small knife. He became an animal trainer as a boy speaking to animals and becoming tight friends with a sparrow and a wolf. While he was friends with the sparrow it was the wolf he bonded with, closely enough that the wolf considered him a pup, and followed him, a constant companion. That was until his village was sacked. In the initial onslaught the sparrow was killed, stricken dead by an arrow. Connor fled into the woods with his wolf close behind him, but in the mad chase the wolf disappeared, lost in the wilds of the woods. Upon returning to his village he found nothing but the dead and dying in the ruined place he once called home. It was that day that Connor vowed he would protect as many as he could from that pain of losing that which they held dear. He took the clothes, armor, and weapons of one of the enemy soldiers and began his journey at the age of fifteen. Two years later Connor had made a name for himself as a protector of the weak. While as a child his heart had belong to the woods and the creatures of it, now his heart belonged to his blade. While he still utilized some of his skills from his youth now instead of tracking animals he tracked criminals. He traveled far and wide, never stopping long in any one place. In his travels, however another change was to be made. While walking through a small wooded area he came across a lone wolf, and for a moment his heart speed as he thought that perhaps his lost companion had found him once more, but he quickly realized that something about this creature was different. It was way to big to be a normal wolf, he moved to draw his shield but was just a hair to slow, as he swung it from his back to his arm the beast was already to close and clamped down tightly on his arm. He drew his short sword quickly and lashed out, scrapping the creatures side. The wolf released his arm and fled into the woods, leaving him with a large bloody bite on his bicep. He patched it up as best he could and went in search of a healer. Over time the wound healed, but he began to notice a strangeness in himself. The animals he once found so abundant, that had been drawn to him even as a warrior, feared him. The sparrows he once whistled with flew away in fright. He was changed. He began to notice a sharpness to the world, and he realized what he thought to simply have been a wolf was more than that. It had been a were-beast. When the realization dawned on him he felt a mixture of shock, horror, and in the deepest places, elation. As the shock faded and the horror receded he found that if he kept the mark hidden, being a were-beast was perhaps better for him. Now his wolf, his companion, his brother was not lost, it was a part of himself. Since that day he has continued his travels, attempting to aide those in need, and concealing his bite, his curse and his gift. Appearance: Connor is a rather tall wiry man, standing at 6' 4''. His body is covered in light lean muscles, and while he may not be thick the muscle is taught and strong, well honed over the years, first by running and climbing trees, and now by harsh training and combat. His face is tanned and angular, with sharp planes and high cheekbones, and he wears his blond hair short, closely cut to his scalp, usually by himself with a knife, without the aide of a mirror. His arms, legs, body, and face all bear light scars of healed cuts and gashes from combat and his left bicep of course has the scars of a bite , which he keeps covered by a long sleeved tunic at all times. He also wears a simple leather hood underneath a chain mail hood. He also wears simple rough spun pants. Weapon choice: He carries a long spear, a sword, and a large shield. The spear is seven feet long, with an iron leaf shaped blade at the head and a counter weight at the opposite end, spiked, almost as dangerous a weapon as the other end. The center of the spear is wrapped in leather to provide a better grip. The sword is short, roughly only twenty inches, and is like the spear crafted from iron with the hilt wrapped in leather. The shield differs from the previous two weapons. While the above weapons we picked up along his travels the shield has been with him since leaving his village. It is large, made of wood with bronze layered over it, giving it a weight of almost thirty pounds. When traveling he places a leather cover over it and wears it slung over the pack on his back almost like a shell to protect his rear. Armor choice: His main piece of armor is his large shield. In addition to this he also wears a greave his right arm, a light chain mail hood with a leather hood under it and boots that have light metal studded over the shins. Current equipment: In addition to his armor and his weapons he carries a small tin whistle, two days worth of food, a canteen of water, a wine skin, an oilstone for his sword an spear, a polishing rag for his shield, and a leather hide used to cover it during travel. He also keeps some rope and metal wiring on him at all times, usually looped on his hip, opposite his sword.