Travis's fist grew tighter as he kept his gaze locked with Vega's. His own magic--dark blue at the moment, because he was considering calling up Arzuros Arm--began to leak as well, and between both of the mages' pressure a few pebbles lying upon the cobblestones began to rattle. Right now he wanted nothing more than to smash the other guy's face in. If Vega thought everyone around him was an annoyance, then Travis thought he should have just gone back to whatever he did before; there was no point joining a guild just to be a high-and-mighty lone wolf. Most of the time it took a few tries to get Travis to pop his top, but Vega got under his skin like few could. But today... "Feh. You ain't worth it." Travis spat on the ground at Vega's feet. "The Boss and the rest of the guild worked hard on this festival. As much as you piss me off, I respect them more than that." Shoving past the taller wizard with his shoulder, Travis kept walking down the street. "If you want a festival of blood so bad, take your tampon out. Later." His fist was still clenched, knuckles turning white. At moments like these he just wanted to run wild. Maybe a year ago, he would have. But now there were times when he had to put his guildmates first, which was something he didn't think Vega could understand. And, maybe even more than that... He shook his head, banishing that last thought before it got too far. He finally managed to relax his hand, and slipped it back into the pocket of his coat.