[center][h3][b][i][color=b8860b]Keystone[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center] [b][center][color=b8860b]Location:[/color] Crossed Swords Inn & Tavern[/center][/b][b][center][color=b8860b]Interacting With:[/color] Persephone, Others [/center][/b] A stony, dead stare trained on Lucan as he began to speak, referring to Keystone in a manner that seemed impulsively rude and potentially quite unsafe. The pugilist regarded the prettier man with narrowed eyes, inclining his neck in incremental amounts until his vertebrae popped audibly. Quite possibly, Keystone had just met his new best friend for this outing. He would have to take note of the man's actions for a bit; tiny notes of disharmony had an annoying tendency to turn into problems, especially during times when the group would have to rely on each other to stay safe. He had minor concerns with others in the newly formed company. The archer, Kyra, instructing the group like she'd already been contracted as their Captain, Cremwise ignoring his inquiry as to the particulars of this job. Admittedly, most of these people hadn't been up as long as he had; perhaps everyone needed a strong cup of tea and a good breakfast before they were willing to talk business. Maybe [i]he[/i] needed the same, for similar reasons. He forced himself to remain optimistic. Ish. If his endeavor in this regard suceeded, one could not see it on his face. Not that he was scowling, more than keeping a neutral expression and his eyes open. He did brighten, if slightly, when Persephone made it downstairs. [color=b8860b]"G'morning, Sephy. You missed forms n' such earlier, but we're just in time for breakfast. Y'rest ok?"[/color] At this time, he was unsure whether his comparatively more genial approach with her was because she was a pretty face or a potential ally. Either way, she had provided the longest stretch of civil conversation Keystone had experienced in weeks, and that merited something. Even if all his limited social interaction skills could muster was more civility.