Apologizes... I got carried away with the bio a bit. >_> I'm tempted to add a section or area on about what knowledge skills he has exactly because I couldn't fit it all into the bio without giving you more... I still need to write a few secrets and details over Vellios' history but I think I'll will wait until he's been accepted or not before I do. Pointless to fill up the GM's boxes if the PC doesn't get accepted. Now to wait for the deadline to pass or for Dervish to mention I miss something... >,< [hider=Vellios Malkai] Name: Vellios Malkai Race: Turian Sex: Male Age: 37 Earth years/22 Palavan years Class: Soldier, Hire muscle/shooter (This is the primary skill and job. However, he's more than just a muscle/shooter because of the wide range of jobs he took by choice, but specialists in things like medical, tech, engineer, etc that have beyond the basics will top him.) Appearance: Vellios has a carapace as dark as midnight, his surface greedy in absorbing the light that literally none shines off it. Physically he’s rather thin for his race, almost underfed and lithe with just enough muscle for speed rather than strength. He can easily dart in and out of reach of his target, slicing them up while he's giving a cocky ass grin. His height is at 6’2” enabling him to hold eye to eye level with most the other male turians. Vellios' color is that of ice and seems to hold the same sharpness and chill when he takes a interest in a target. Along his outside are various scars marring the surface, breaking the perfection most younger males would have during their career, many have faded into greyish lines and most of them covered by his clothes. The most dominant one is one nearly severing his mandible thanks to a shot from a close range handgun when he was 18 and a foot soldier during the 314 Relay Incident. His face has the traditional Palaven markings, a single stroke across the nose and cheeks with another following the mandible down part way. It’s a permanent mark, inked like a tattoo so it’s impossible to remove it due to its importance to Vellios. The ink itself is the same shade as his eyes, making it able to be easily seen on his carapace even though part of the design is marred thanks to the Relay 314 Incident. Background: It started when Liana Malkai, a former conscript and promising turian soldier, left her homeworld. She was pregnant with her first child and from the moment Vellios was born on a turian frigate, his whole life was spent traveling from ship to ship and taught by his mother. Most the times she fed tales over his father. From how he died during a space fight to his undying love toward his mother, idolizing the turian in Vellios’ eyes. It seemed his sacrifice was too grievous to bear and she had retired from the military to spend the rest of her days exploring the galaxy. She made ends meet using her machinist skills to pay for room and food costs, Vellios more busy exploring the inner ship works than learning his mother’s trade. It was 2149 CE when their latest ship was boarded and captured by pirates, his mother and several others taken prisoner. She had managed to stow him away before the pirates discovered her and hauled her way. Naturally Vellios followed quietly, avoiding the ship’s bustling marauders seeking additional victims or valuables to satisfy their greedy appetites. They were a motley crew from what he could tell. It mixed batch of krogans, vorcha, and turians with a few asari and salarians scattered throughout. On entering the bridge area where he had been always been taught to go, Vellios walked in on his mother’s execution in progress causing youth to rush forward. His small body catching the krogan off guard and get his body tossed back. The krogan, Syberus’ second in command, Jurdron, quickly pointed his shotgun at the youth who sat there in defiance. He wasn’t killed, but toyed with by the very captain, Syberus, a ex-military turian turned pirate. Impressed by Vellios’ stubborn nature and resistance, he called for a modest, dull blade. Then he ordered the boy to kill his mother. At his refusal, Syberus shot his mother causing the boy to attempt to attack him only to be beaten by Jurdron then pinned down to listen to his mother’s pleading cries. Having his patience drawn short, Syberus draws a handgun then shot into Liana’s gut causing the boy to scream. In the end, Syberus leaned in and whispered quietly, saying if she wanted her son to live and be free, she should persuade him to kill her. In the end, Liana sacrificed herself by forcing her own son to kill her in hopes he would live and be free. It wasn’t meant to be because Syberus order the boy to taken onboard and the ship destroyed. Vellios was hauled off kicking and screaming, his broken body wiggling in the krogan’s grasp before being knocked out cold. For four years, he learned the way of the Haides, Syberus’ ship as the longest lasting ‘cabin’ boy. If you didn’t learn to be cold, kill and quick on your feet then you starved or died. About five other boys had died in the first year he was onboard, mostly from abuse by the older crew members who cared little for the boy’s well being. In their minds, the soon they were killed than less future competition for the spoils. Among the crew, it the captain that seemed to seek out Vellios for particular harsh lessons. whenever her broke the ship’s rules. One event stuck with him for a long time, when he became a friend to a young, fragile Batarian cabin boy from the last raid. Vellios, being the oldest, stopped a near death by tossing himself onto the aggressor then chasing him off. The two boys were tossed into a pit like structure where they were made to starve until one of them was killed. Finally, his friend was the first to break and forced Vellios into killing him. “The weak have no place in the world save for reminding us of our strength.” Said the Captain above, his words echoed upon Vellios’ grieving form. Vellios was forced to endure in a world he was trapped in and became emerged. Fueled by hidden desire for revenge against the Captain, he had killed numerous upon ship raids and on Haides until he became an lean adolescent of cockiness and confidence. Including a taste for blood. He wasn’t the alpha but he still force to be challenged even among larger foes. It was only matter of time before someone caught to the pirates, again tossing his life into a struggle to survive. At night, they left port and sailed into vast space in a lazy drift since their last raid on a colony. Out of the darkness a mercenary ship descended on them, hired by someone with a grudge. In the fire, blood, and chaos running rampant over the ship, Vellios spotted his chance to kill the bastard Syberus when he’s wounded in a gunfight. On retreating back to his quarters, Vellios’ attacks and uses the chance to kill him. After revealing a life rattling secret, the turian made his way through crumbling debris and additional enemy reinforcements. On reaching the small shuttle he's learned to drive, his attempts often foiled, and jettisoned into space. The last thing he spotted was the Krogan standing over Syberus’ body and putting the pieces together. Days passed, his shuttle long ran out of power and food that he was pretty sure he would die. In fact he was at death's doorstep when a volus merchant ship came by and saved him. They allowed the turian to hitch a ride, his body regained health during the trip back to Palaven where he was placed into an orphanage. He was conscripted a year later. He showed great promise in his training, namely when it came to effective killing naturally. Though he had slight orders thanks to his experiences aboard the Haides, he was assigned to the 6th Armigar Legion and sent into battle during the Relay 314 Incident. Vellios stood out above his fellow soldiers with his ability to get the job done at almost any cost. Despite his merit, his team, among other Turians, were forced back when the Second Alliance Fleet entered the fight. He was 18 at the time of it all and he didn't leave unmarked. Over the next 14 years, he ended up building a career within the military. During those years he met his wife through communications department and eventually they were engaged then married at the age of 21. His son, Tiberian, and daughter Kilia, were born about a year apart about 3-4 years later. When he was on military leave during his son’s seventh birthday, he was greeted by a horrifying scene. His family was murdered, their blood painted on the wall leaving behind a message he would never forget: You killed Syberus. The evidence was undeniable while he held his family’s corpses and rocked back and forth, his heart tearing into pieces at the gruesome sight at his being taken away. He turned 33 when his grieving period was over. He immediately tossed himself back into the service with a motivation to distract himself from his pain. Vellios’ accomplishments drew his superior’s attraction, who in turn put him into the running for the Spectre program among many other candidates from a wide selection of other Legions, Fleets, and Marine Divisions. When he was young he had a slight drug addiction but after the murder of his family, his prior drug usage had become more aggressive that in order to sleep peacefully he required a dose or three. Thankfully it never interfered with his work. He was assigned to a Spectre, a Trominus Yinso, and proved worthy enough to be put on a mission. While the actual events are classified, it was clear Vellios had the ability, will and ability to become a Spectre but his personal motives didn’t align with the Council. (PMed details to GMs) He was dismissed as his nightmares seemed to edge away, his failure motivating his withdraw from the military. There was too many painful memories there now and he felt it was time for a fresh start. For the next three years he spent his time as a mercenary and drifter, going in and out of different territories in order to make a living. The first year he was solo, but gradually he was joining groups on temporary basis in order to increase his payload. It was during that time he met Serena, who seemed interesting enough to accompany for several missions. They both had gotten close though even she doesn't know the full extent of his past or the reason for the drug and drinking habits, likely thinking he's one by choice. Though with her around, his issue has decreased some but it will never be gone. Equipment: This is what he has. Not what he carries on his person all the time. Usually he keeps his stash where he's stationed and selects based on mission, using what is best depending on the information he's given. However, attempting thieves will find all his gear has been branded with a specialized chemical that when exposed to black light reveals a VM on each solid part. In addition, he has extreme intimate knowledge about each one since he’s used them often enough. [indent][list] [u]Weapons[/u] [*] Shotgun- Scimitar (Elkoss Combine) [*]Pistol- Karpov (Rosenkov Materials) [*]Assault Rifle- M8 Avenger (Elkoss Combine) [*]Sniper Rifle- Volkov (Rosenkov Materials) [u] Omni Tool: Logic Arrest Tool produced by Ariake Technologies[/u] [*]Flashlight [*]Scanner [*]Repairing items [*]Dispensing medi-gel [*]Programming and hacking- (he knows how to apply them but Serena often has to instruct his sorry ass.) [*]Camera [*]Video, audio and holographic communication [*]Downloading and playing video games [*]Converting items into omni-gel [*]Manufacturing objects in real time [*]Omni-blade [u]Ammo Types[/u] [*] Cryo [*] Disruptor [*] Shredder [*] Grenades- He ran out of these about a day back and hasn’t gotten a chance to restock yet (likely best if he doesn’t) [u]Armor[/u] [*] Light Armor- Survivor Armor produced by Delvon Industries (military issued and paid for by service) [*] Heavy Armor- Colossus Armor produced by Kassa Fabrication (saved up for 2-3 years) [/list][/indent] Powers: [indent][list] [*] Adrenaline Rush [*] Fortification [*] Concussion Shot [*] Fitness [*] Defense Matrix [*] Marksman [/list][/indent] Font Colour: [color=RosyBrown]RosyBrown[/color] [/hider]