[@Lord Sawsaw2][@KiltmanBagz] [color=0072bc][center][h3]~Ceri~[/h3][/center][/color] Ceri really was glad things ended without much of a hassle. She'd have hated to get into a fight here...well, unless that fight ended with her kicking Vega to the next town. That'd be alright with her. Still, she didn't dwell on such negative thoughts. She was out with Mis and Klisa, so she shouldn't. She should try and have fun, and food was fun, and Mis had just given them the okay. [color=0072bc]"Alright Mis, we won't go too far."[/color] Ceri replied, grabbing hold of Klisa's hand, just to make sure she wouldn't, in fact get lost. She doubted she'd get lost, she was fairly good at not doing that, but she didn't want to get separated from Klisa at all. That would just be awful. She looked around at the various food stalls offering food. Honestly, she was a bit overwhelmed. Everything looked so good from here, still, she couldn't see all of them from here. "[color=0072bc]Ah...uhm, I've never been to a festival before....."[/color] Ceri quietly replied, voice trailing off at the end, looking up at Klisa. [color=0072bc]"I'm...I'm not...sure what they have."[/color]