[hider=Serena][b]Name:[/b] Serena Mathews [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Class:[/b] Sentinel (specializing in Robotics. Mechs, VI/AI, etc.) [url=http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/28/640x349_6455_54321_2d_character_girl_woman_cyberpunk_sci_fi_picture_image_digital_art.jpg]Appearance[/url] Five foot six inches, with brown eyes. She has burn scars all along her arms and some on her face, from the sparks of droids, and one particularly nasty scar along her stomach from where she was obviously stabbed. [b]Background:[/b] Serena was born to San Pedro Sula, Honduras. The reach of the Alliance was far from her family, and they acted accordingly. Kept their heads down, payed whatever fines that were demanded of them, and tried to avoid the gang wars. Serena had heard that years and years ago it had been considered the most crime ridden city in the world. She didn't know if that was true anymore, but it certainly felt like it with the cramped living conditions and nigh constant gang wars. Her father repaired and sold various mechs,drones, and VI’s in addition to doing repairs on ships whenever he could to scrounge more credits.. Combat, medical, and domestic mechs. Drones for any and all purposes, you request it, her father would build it or fix it and Serena learned most of her talents from him. Her mother helped him, even when she was pregnant with Serena. It was obvious that because of her mother's insistence upon helping, Serena's biotic powers developed. However, she couldn't afford any training or amps as her parents were poor enough as is. For several years they managed to scrape by like this, remaining relatively free of the constant power struggles and fluctuations between the various gangs. Of course, nothing lasts forever. When she was eight, a vicious battle erupted outside of their little shop. Two gangs were battling for control of her district. Up until now, the fights had always been away from them. Serena doesn’t remember much of the incident. Strong emotions and flashes of memory. Helplessness. Her mother’s face filled with fear as she shielded her. Terror. Her father working as fast as he could to get Mech’s up and running to defend the shop. After that event, the shop torn to shreds by bullets, most of the mechs they had been working on destroyed, her father finally gave in. He started paying one of the gangs, the Cyborgs, for protection. The group that constantly used Mechs could always use someone who was talented working on them. Especially someone who paid them for protection. This arrangement, which would last for the entirety of her father’s life, lead to Cyborg members frequently visiting her father’s shop. This, of course, lead to her talking to them and getting to know the local gang and it’s members. There were some evil bastards in the group, certainly. But there were also good people. People just trying to do what they could to survive and prosper. Ten years passed, and Serena began to get restless. She began to wonder what life outside Omega was like. What it was like to not be in constant fear of being attacked by gangs, or wondering if her father’s protection payments would rise and then he’d be forced to go bankrupt. It didn’t take her long to decide she wanted to leave. There was only a couple of ways she could get out of San Pedro Sula. She could charter a passage on a ship, but that cost more money than she or her father had and would only get her to one place. What she would do after getting to that one place was an unknown. She could sign up with a mercenary company. It offered a way to get out of San Pedro, a job, and a sure way to be on the move. Mercenary companies offered a way to get around and actually see the world and the galaxy. And, she reasoned, she could find someone who wouldn't constantly be thrusting her into stupid battles and she would be relatively sure of the fact that she was on the good side. Finally, she could sign up with the Alliance military. Steady pay, definitely on the good side, galaxy and world travelling, equipment, training...it was really so much better than mercenary work wasn't it? Thus, Serena made her decision. She would join the Alliance navy get out of this town, and use her talents as a Mech repairwoman and VI hacker/programmer to help out the military. Simple. Despite her parents misgivings, they were in no position to stop her. Her leaving would make things easier for all of them. Saying her goodbyes, Serena traveled through the slums that had always been her home and signed up with the Alliance. They gave her their basic gear. On the off chance her biotic talents could be useful, the tested her.. Turns out she did have some biotic power. Thus, they began teaching her how to use her amp and her powers. Serena was never very talented at it, but she did learn how to use barriers and telekinesis. The former is very handy in fights and the latter in general use. For five years she worked with the Alliance. For the most part she escaped direct combat. She hacked, she designed mechs, drones and VI’s, and she repaired them. When she was close to the combat she was always protected and separate. There was even a free lance mercenary Krogan that she worked with frequently. Barat was hired by the Alliance when they needed more muscle for a mission faster than they could send help. After several missions and close calls together, Barat took to following Serena around and sharing in her pay. While not an official member of Alliance, he was a great help whenever their subtle operations took a turn for the worse. For a while, it was all fine. She got all she wanted. Outside of San Pedro (Indeed, Earth entirely), exploring the Galaxy, never in the same place. Oh, and the deaths of dozens on her hands. For the most part she could easily say that it was self defense. Kill or be killed. There were some grey areas she chose to ignore, however. Some areas where she couldn’t be quite certain that what she had done was right. So she ignored them. Or tried to at least. The deaths still weighed on her mind. Her breaking point came when she was assigned to a hacking mission. Simple enough, get in the two story tall security building, get the data, get out. There was a chance that she would have to fight her way out, however, and for that she was grateful to have Barat with her. Things went great up until they got too the actual data they needed to hack into. They managed to kill the surprisingly few guards there were (Barat wasn’t sneaking past anything), and get to the data hub without a hitch. Just as Serena was beginning to download what they needed, alarms suddenly blared throughout the building. They waited, because it was their mission, until all the data was downloaded, By then, the guards that had been suspiciously absent were pouring towards them, Barat having already overheated two guns as he held them back (there were plenty to pick up off the floor.) They beat a hasty retreat, trying to get out of the building before they got overwhelmed and subsequently murdered. Somewhere, they took a wrong turn. Made a mistake. They found themselves in a dead end. Good news? They were on the ground floor. The windows showed as much. The bad news? The security forces were outside the door. From the sounds of it, they were getting ready for an assault. Barat recognized what was going to happen first. Whether it was just intuition or years of experience, Barat shoved her onto the ground screaming at her to throw up a barrier, as every guard (or so it seemed from Serena’s point of view) threw in his or her grenade. She only had time and the wherewithal to throw a barrier around herself. Then the world seemed to explode. When she was back to her senses, she was alone. There was a massive chunk in the wall and a bloodied body nearby. Barat must have been thrown free by the explosions. Serena didn’t waste time mourning or trying to recover anything as a memento from her dead friend. He would have killed her for doing something as stupid as that. She bolted through the gigantic hole in the wall and didn’t stop running. She didn’t go to the Alliance evacuation location. She just kept going until she was sure she had lost them. Once she was sure, she allowed herself to break down. She was in some dirty alley, with another life on her hands. This one she couldn’t ignore. This one she couldn’t claim as Self-defense. Barat’s death was on her hands, and her hands alone. Her failure. Her weakness. Serena never returned to the the Alliance. She simply moved from mercenary group to mercenary group. For five years she did this, doing her best to avoid the contracts that would end in morally ambiguous territory and deaths, and trying to pick up the ones that she knew would benefit people. Even if they were merely repair or defense jobs. She picked up Vellios along the way, the Turian showing up on more and more of her missions until they were a team. They saw the offer for a job and figured...why not? They were in between jobs and it was definitely for a good cause. [b]Equipment:[/b] -M-3 Predator -Savant X Omni-tool [list] [*] Things that come standard to an Omni-Tool. Repairing items, scanning, Omni and Medi-gel, converting to Omni-Gel, communications, etc. [*] Various utilities, ranging from a flashlight, to manufacturing items in real time, to video and audio feed, to the ability to turn into tools Serena might need in her repairs.. [*] Hacking and the ability to program VI’s. [*] Omni-Bow with explosive or concussive shot. (She’s not deadly accurate with it, but she can use it competently.) [*] Omni-Shield. [/list] -Light Mercenary V armor, -Solaris I Bio-amp. -Combat drone named Del who can split into three smaller combat drones if needed. -A small drone that Serena largely uses to assist in repairing and hacking, named Sarah. -Plans for a custom made mech in the shape of a Krogan with heavy armor and redundant systems. [b]Powers:[/b] Tech Armor, Damping, Overload, Sabotage, Lift, Barrier. [b]Misc[/b]: -Serena can’t sit still when lying. She fidgets. Tapping her foot, fiddling with something in her pocket, so on so forth. -Serena likes to make prototype mechs/drones. These tend to explode. -Serena enjoys the game of Chess, and has even made her own board and independently moving pieces. [b]Color[/b]: [color=Hotpink]HotPink[/color][/hider]