[hider=Mary Winthrop][color=gainsboro][center][hr][hr][color=D8BFD8][h1]Mary Winthrop[/h1][/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4c/b0/f5/4cb0f5cda957c05b86435a3304ad4db8.jpg[/img] [color=D8BFD8][h3][i]“There's no point in looking back and saying I was unlucky”[/i][/h3][/color] [color=white][b][i]– Jamie Redknapp[/i][/b][/color] [i][sub]Mary tends to walk with her head down, her eyes always looking around nervous. She has poor posture. She wears shoulder covering clothes, always. This is because of many scars that her mother inflicted on her. Mary also wears earrings, single pierced in each ear, she does not have a favorite pair. [/sub][/i] [hr][hr] [img]http://i1.irishmirror.ie/incoming/article5720403.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/Raffey-Cassidy.jpg[/img] [hr][hr][color=white][h3]Basic Information[/h3][/color][/center] [color=D8BFD8]N A M E[/color] [indent]Mary Ann Winthrop[/indent] [color=D8BFD8]N I C K N A M E[/color] [indent]Mary (friends), Mary Ann (Father)[/indent] [color=D8BFD8]B I R T H D A T E[/color] [indent]Aug. 8th, 2002[/indent] [color=D8BFD8]G E N D E R[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=D8BFD8]A G E[/color] [indent]13[/indent] [color=D8BFD8]B L O O D S T A T U S[/color] [indent]Half-Blood (Mom was muggle)[/indent] [color=D8BFD8]S E X U A L I T Y[/color] [indent]She assumes straight, but is probably at least a little bisexual[/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://www.assignmentx.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/MOLLY-MOON-AND-THE-INCREDIBLE-BOOK-OF.jpg[/img][hr][hr][color=white][h3]Academics[/h3][/color][/center] [color=D8BFD8]H O U S E[/color] [indent]Tituba[/indent] [color=D8BFD8]Y E A R[/color] [indent]Third[/indent] [color=D8BFD8]E L E C T I V E S[/color] [indent]Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Study of Ancient Runes[/indent] [color=D8BFD8]B E S T C L A S S E S[/color] [indent]Transfiguration, Potions [/indent] [color=D8BFD8]W O R S T C L A S S E S[/color] [indent]History of Magic, Charms[/indent] [color=D8BFD8]C L U B S[/color] [indent]Potions, and Choir[/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/b29a6afaa92a5561f6bbb9a4aec1b1f2/tumblr_npm9s6exsg1swwx3co2_250.png[/img][hr][hr] [color=white][h3]My Magic[/h3][/color][/center] [color=D8BFD8]B O G G A R T[/color] [indent]Her mother[/indent] [color=D8BFD8]P A T R O N U S[/color] [indent]Dove[/indent] [color=D8BFD8]A M O R T E N T I A[/color] [indent]Clean linens, Eucalyptus, Roses [/indent] [color=D8BFD8]W A N D[/color] [indent]Fir| Unicorn Hair | Stiff | 8 9/10inches[/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/dc2ca0368e6c5e66f6961924a677a2ac/tumblr_inline_mrnfiyTPzc1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][hr][color=white][h3]Mannerisms[/h3][/color][/center] [color=D8BFD8]L I K E S[/color] [indent][list][*] Books [*] Hiking in the woods [*] Singing [*] Transfiguration [*] Learning new things [*] Her Father, and his family [*] Phillip [/list][/indent] [color=D8BFD8]D I S L I K E S[/color] [indent][list][*] Any mention of her mother or past [*] Charms [*] Religion (especially people involved in the super religious groups) [*] Swimming/Water/deep dark water [*] Closed spaces [*] Showing her scars [*] Talking about her past [/list][/indent] [color=D8BFD8]H A B I T S[/color] [indent][list][*] Looking down and away, when speaking with people [*] Humming to herself while alone [*] Rubbing her right knee (it was wounded when she was young, and sometimes it still bothers her)[/list][/indent] [color=D8BFD8]H O B B I E S[/color] [indent][list][*] Hiking [*] Reading [*] Singing[/list][/indent] [color=D8BFD8]F E A R S[/color] [indent][list][*]Her mother, that somehow she'll find Mary again and take her back to her place [*] Claustrophobia [*] Hydrophobia[/list][/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://www.funkidslive.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/bp-raffey-cassidy-answers-your-questions-v2_index.jpg[/img][hr][hr] [color=white][h3]Delving Deeper[/h3][/color][/center] [color=D8BFD8]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color] [indent]Mary is quiet and sweet. She smiles when speaking to people, especially strangers, but if someone catches her unaware she is usually not smiling. She seems closed off, and tends to bow her head slightly. If she's particularly nervous she stutters ever so slightly. When she makes a friend though, when she had decided to trust someone, she truly trusts them. Mary doesn't question people very often, even those she hasn't decided to trust. If she's told to do something in an authoritative voice she usually does it. This causes some issues when that thing isn't a good thing. She does not talk about her life before she was eight. [/indent] [color=D8BFD8]H I S T O R Y[/color] [indent]Mary was born to a backwaters hick of a mother who believed God had punished her with Mary. Mary's father was unknown to Mary, and the source of Mary's abilities seen as the worst possibility of a deal between Satan and God. Mary's mother believed she was suffering as Job had, and to free herself of the curse she must cleanse Mary. The woman's definition of cleanse grew worse as Mary's abilities grew. These abilities were never quite under control though. Somehow word got to Mary's father, Andrew Winthrop, about her situation. How word got to him was never something he told Mary, but late in the night he took the small 8 year old from her home and freed her. It took Mary sometime before she realized she had side-along apparated. The next few years Mary and her father learned from each other. Mary on how to trust people again, Andrew on how the simplest thing can bring joy. Mary was grossly under-educated so Andrew lost no time in catching the girl up in general education. Andrew was ecstatic when her letter came, and was overjoyed she ended up in the same house he had been in when he attended. Since starting school at Salem Witches' Institute Mary has grown a lot. She is still a bit slow to trust people, no one knows her whole story. [/indent] [color=D8BFD8]F A M I L Y[/color] [indent]Father: Andrew Winthrop - Works for the Republic of Magic, fairly respected Uncle: Thomas III Winthrop - Healer, well known for his potions Aunt: Annabelle Reed (nee Winthrop) Grandfather: Thomas II Winthrop - Healer Cousin: Elise Reed - Mary loves Elise, and looks up to her. Elise is one of the few people who knows about Mary's past. Uncle (by Marriage): Charles Reed [/indent] [color=D8BFD8]F A M I L I A R[/color] [indent][img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4049/4402099784_b2559291de.jpg[/img][/indent] [indent][indent]Phillip, a Russian blue that Mary was given when she received her letter for Salem's Witches' Institute[/indent][/indent] [color=D8BFD8]T H E M E S O N G[/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj84YRn3vcc]Walk Unafraid– REM[/url] [sub]I was brought into this life a little lamb A little lamb Courageous, stumbling Fearless was my middle name. But somewhere there I lost my way[/sub][/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/9fa24dda9597e99fa6b7bc2067ae44f3/tumblr_nv5a6j3Ikl1up42jgo2_500.gif[/img] [hr][hr][/center] [color=D8BFD8]E X T R A N E O U S I N F O[/color] [indent]This does not need to be filled out immediately. This is something that can be added on as the RP goes. Mostly random facts will go here[/indent][/color][/hider]