Oscar nodded at the other knight, obviously his senior. he was pleased at the compliment even though it was a compliment towards the order rather than any comment on Oscar's personal skill. Abdul's reaction was less than encouraging however, it was difficult to tell the reason for his reaction. Oscar decided that putting Abdul's fears to rest would be the best course of action. before he spoke however the brute of a woman who jostled him to get by spoke up about getting supplies, Cythlla she announced herself as. and Oscar was more than happy to let her do something as tedious as retrieving supplies. "Do not worry about my ability Abdul. I am Oscar, Sergeant of the Revered 2nd company, I was among the Legion that drove the demons out of the cursed town of Tristram..." even as he spoke his eyes lose focus and he becomes distant, recalling the bloody battle that was to take back the town. some hero had descended the depths of the crypt and beyond to slay the old demon that resided there, however the evil was not gone once its master was slain. for days soldiers marched down into the catacombs of Tristram only to be slain, and for days they carried out the maimed and wounded. Oscar drew his first blood in that crypt, and nearly his last breath. the demon only known as the Butcher had nearly slain him, the creature's massive cleaver hacking through shield and armor alike, leaving a wicked scar across Oscar's chest. Oscar coughs and drowns the memory with a swig from the awful mead, the flavor clearing his mind faster than the alcohol. "it is a pleasure to meet you all" he says nodding to the other mercenaries around him. "so, what is this Mission? i unfortunately know little about this place."