Gurjan was chewing on a particularly durable strip of meat when Nick approached him. The isorlai seemed to be curious as to what had happened earlier. And it seemed another squadmate shared that sentiment. He took the offered bottle of water as he somewhat annoyedly tried to tear a piece off of the meat. It was a good excuse to think about what he was going to say. When he finished with the tiresome exercise, he took a deep breath, he had formulated a reasonable-sounding argument. “I took exception to lieutenant Miles'… seeming contempt for regulations. I wanted to talk it out in a friendly manner, but I think I forced the Issue somewhat..." He sighed as he took a sip from the water bottle. "Miles snapped at me, and I snapped back... quite disproportionately" He looked at his conversation partners, trying to gauge their reactions as he talked."The reason I wanted to talk things out with miles is because I'd rather speak up if something bothers me rather than just ignoring it. I didn't want something I perceived as a threat to the squad's functioning as an unit to go unadressed." He picked up another piece of that tough meat of his plate. "Make of it what you will, but that's my side of the story." [@StoneWolf][@HopelessIncubus]