Niesha was slowly winding herself down. While not dull work, being a medic at the moment was not as demanding as she thought. Some accidents, yes. But for now, it seemed quite stable. She was tidying up, as Niesha set store by a clean work area, setting files aside, organizing medical gear and other such menial tasks she could have left until tomorrow. No doubt it would need to be done tomorrow, as well. A never ending war against messinesss. She wondered who would win. And then the alarms began to sound, the young Nimin was certainly no stranger to chaos, and seemed resigned at the noises. Although generally reluctant to use a weapon, Niesha nevertheless carried one with it, secured under her clothes where it couldn't be seen or grabbed randomly. She couldn't say it made her feel safer, but she knew what it was like to be without one. She would fight if she had to. She could imagine the alarms were a warning, and as she went to check what was happened,'she discovered that there was some sort of ship, that appeared to resemble there's, in front of them. Was this good or bad news? Either way, Niesha jogged back to the healing bay, retrieving a field kit, and prepared to head back to the main bay, but hesitated. Once more she was acting, rather then waiting for orders, particularly orders from the lead physician. She glanced about, pondering for a moment what to do.