Drawing is a work-in-progress. [hider=Ludmilla Alunya] ([url=https://sli.mg/QZbNya.jpg]Picture[/url]) [url=https://sli.mg/vGJJv8.png]Transformed. [/url] [b]Name:[/b] Ludmilla Alunyna. Did you figure that out yourself? [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] Ludmilla is not exactly a traditional picture of beauty, with her wide mouth with far too many teeth in it, and her dirty blonde hair that looks like somebody coloured a rainbow in shades of brown and yellow. She's tall, and broad shouldered, too, measuring at 1.80 and 70 kilograms. And she needs a haircut and a change of clothes to not look like she's been living rough, which admittedly wasn't far from the truth. Her magical girl costume shares little with the traditional [url=https://sli.mg/yuJ69B.png]magical girl look[/url], being based on what Ludmilla found cool at the time. The soul gem is greyish-red, and forms the glass in her sunglasses. [b]Nationality:[/b] Bulgarian, and ethnically serb.. Ludmilla has not connection to Danzig and no reason to stay there for any length of time. In her eyes, she's simply passing through. [b]Personality:[/b] Ludmilla, or Milly to her friends, is a sweet, caring young woman with an outgoing personality and slight awkward manner. Recently, she's been trying to distance herself from her magical girl self, acting pettier, more short tempered and childish while transformed. Milly's curious about little things, often pausing in shop windows or staring at people in busses trying to work out what they're doing, and standing stock still for hours if an interesting thought strikes her. [b]Afflictions:[/b] Knows the truth about magical girls. [b]Wish:[/b] "I want to be seen. I want to be adored and admired by like, everyone." The wish gave her enhanced charisma, as well as attracting everyone's attention to her constantly. [b]Biography:[/b] Ludmilla grew up in a post-w prefabricated apartment complex with two hard-earning parents who loved and cared for her very much but never seemed to talk to her. She grew up quickly, always relatively tall for her age and never suffering a day of illness in her life. She read magazines, had friends over for lunch and seemed well on track to becoming a productive member of society, before the bunnycat came to her promising his deal. At first it was fun. Lording over the groundlings, flying through the air as magic Uma Therman, creating light and illusion out of your fingers, she lived the dream. Then witches started to show up, and become more then just a trend. Then a second magical girl appeared in the area, with far more prestige and skill and it was all she could do to run out of the city with a change of clothes in a duffel bag over her shoulder. Since then she's been living the transient life, relying entirely on an old credit card kept topped up by her mother for food and water and other necessary supplies. Good old mum. Never been quite the same since dad died. That was five years ago. She's seen a lot of Europe in the intervening time, gotten very older and a little bit wiser and keeping her head down as far as the whole magical girl business. Met some very nice people, some who tried to kill her in her sleep [b]Skills:[/b] Street smarts, primary school academic knowledge and a lot of useless just she got from hanging around libraries across Europe. [b]Threads of Fate:[/b] 5 - Average magical girl strength. [b]Magical Weapon:[/b] Shields. Big, white, oblong, slightly curved like a pringles chip, and sharp at the edges, these weapons are unwieldy but useful if applied well. Ludmilla likes to keep one in each hand, plus a third strapped to her back for protection. [b]Experience:[/b] (Originally 3 plus 1 due to age modifier) 4. Enough to know the truth about magical girls. [b]Magical Ability:[/b]The ones she has the hang of involve creating little constructs of light and becoming a human projector, shooting light out of things. There's a theoretical upper limit to the amount of light she can create, or from how far away, but she's never managed it yet. She's also capable of creating crude light constructs, little holograms of physical objects, like little holograms. If she really concentrates, she can even get things like colour right. Of course, they're not real. Just tricks of the light. Core abillity: Creating Light. Secondary abillity 1: Shooting light beams out of her hands or body Secondary abillity 2: Action at a distance, shooting light out of places other then her own fingers. Secondary abillity 3: Creating light-based holograms or constructs. [b]Signature and Finisher:[/b] None as of yet. ██████: 15% [/hider]