[h3]Vega Ashworth | The Festival[/h3] Barely a few steps away from leaving the festival ground he began to hear singing, what's worse is he recognizes who it is... He's not sure what's worse, the singing, or that stupid voice. Completely off-key, and annoyingly high-pitched, on top of that the content of the lyrics, it grinded at his ears as he turned to the source of it. Ria... [color=slategray]"I guess no one wants a peaceful day after all"[/color], he said to himself, crushing the drink in his hand and discarding on the side of the road. Try as he might, the combination of everywhere today was just too infuriating. He turned on his heel and swept past the crowds towards the voice, the people around him began to back away with faces of fear as Vega pulled out both his knives. Throwing one into the air, and imbuing magic into the other, the one thrown clicked together mid-air and formed a pitch black scythe, with a blade that had an ominous glowing purple sheen. With a single swing he shattered Ria's ice throne, a black sweeping aura followed the blade, aiding in it's reach. As she fell to the ground, Vega stood over her with his iconic scythe swung over his back. [color=slategray]"You're treading on thin ice Ria. This is a 'no fly' zone for you harlots"[/color], he said, now bringing his scythe down and training it's blade on Ria.