When everything was settled and Alex had secured the barricade better than he would have alone, he looked to the older man. Examining him, it looked like the outbreak happened months ago, but he knew for a fact it was just a week - he had the notepad with the tally marks to prove it. Maybe the guy was a survivalist and was roughing it beforehand? That kind of person would be nice to have around, actually. Thank God he didn't just shoot him with that rifle on his back and take what he had. [color=0072bc]"Thanks,"[/color] Matthew said softly, jumping when the doors banged again. He looked over the knot Alex had tied, trying to see if he can undo it in his mind's eye, so he can hopefully commit it to memory just in case it's needed later. When Alex had asked his name, he looked up at him again. Should he really? There's no harm in it, really, right? This guy's not gonna use it against him somehow.. Right? He took Alex's hand to shake, [color=0072bc]"Matthew. You can just call me Matt."[/color] [hider=OOC] I felt bad posting so little in response to such a long well written post but I cannot for the life of me write that much unless it's dialogue. forgive me ;n; [/hider]