[h3]Travis Ziegler[/h3] [hr] After the business with Vega, Travis found his way through the sea of people and the lines of stalls to the salty, greasy, terribly unhealthy, but oh-so-convenient carnie food he wanted. With three corn dogs between his fingers and a plate of nachos in his other hand, he found his anger ebbing away. Yeah, he had definitely made the right choice not starting shit with Vega. The townsfolk looked happy, the guilds didn't seem to be at each other's throats yet (little did he know), and maybe they would all make it through the day without something going wrong. Well, except for that guy whose waitress just passed out on him. Taking a bite out of one of the 'dogs, Travis watched as Hans caught the girl. Approaching the outdoor cafe, he leaned on the railing of a small fence they had to separate their patio from the street. [@hatakekuro]"Y'know, ya could wear sunglasses or somethin'." he said off-hand to the other mage. "Maybe some spray tan. Although you'd think folks would be used to it by now." He didn't blame people for being creeped out--he didn't entirely trust the Bone-Maker himself. But the guy had never been a troublemaker, as far as he knew, he just had the misfortune to be spooky as all get-out. "Also, uh...I don't suppose you were heading to the game booths, huh?" Travis glanced to one side nervously. "Uh...just so you know the baseball target one is, um...rigged? I'd avoid that one."