[b]You are a Hero in Your Life - Ranca Blom[/b] With a mighty yawn, Ranca slowly opened her eyes, lazily gazing at the winged reptile drifting above. Stiffly, she rose to her feet, noticing that she wasn't the only one laying in the clearing. At least it was a nice place for a nap, she supposed. Since... Oh my, the scenery was absolutely breathtaking! It looked like something right out of a fantasy game! It was just so- Unfortunately, Ranca's train of thought was derailed when she heard a piercing scream echo from somewhere nearby. Pulling on her hood, she took a quick glance at the others around her... "I'd [i]really[/i] like to say hi, but it sounds like someone's in trouble! Be right back!" With a cheerful wave, the girl in the dino-hood began sprinting in the direction of the scream, hoping she wasn't too late... [i]This is so awesome! I'm gonna be a hero![/i]