Yuri hearing a student curse and mention "Psychopaths" turned to see a girl with a gun pointed to the back of her head and behind that gun a man. Yuri didn't know what it was with seeing girls in situations like this that seemed to make his blood boil, maybe it was that fact that Yuri felt women she be protected and cared for. He removed his Nobel arms from his breast holsters and stood up facing the other students, he noticed a boy directly behind the gunman with his sword drawn. "Excuse me sir but really if you're going to take a shot at anyone please let it be a man unless you wish to challenge this young lady?" Yuri said bluntly as he begun walking over and inspecting the situation. "Good sir, I don't actually believe you're in checkmate." He said with a grim smile as he pointed betrayal to the man's head. He really didn't want to see the girl get shot but if she did he would at least heal her after words he owed her that much. [@Altasaire][@Minato Namikaze] [@Eklispe]