[h2]The Noble Swordswoman who does not Tolerate Evil[/h2] The grass felt soft on her skin. The girl with the dark, blue-ish hair slowly opened her eyes, blinking several times as she slunk up and back into her knees. For a few moments, all she could really perceive was that she was outside, and that there were people around her, who were similarly strewn about on the grass in a rather haphazard fashion. The last thing she remembered was... making her character? Like it was some kind of role-playing game or something... That's right. The man with the gun, she hadn't had a choice. She had to stop him no matter what. And then he'd shot her as she brought him down... Mimori had died with the knowledge that she'd saved so many people. And yet... she hadn't really died, had she? Because she was here. Very much breathing and alive. ... In... in... What was this embarrassing outfit?! Who... who would ever make her wear something like this?! She couldn't have woken up in something more respectable?! It seemed like an odd thing to be concerned about after suddenly reviving from the dead in a completely new place(hadn't she been falling or something as well?) but the young woman's cheeks colored mildly in embarrassment as she looked down at herself. But after a few moments, she firmly shook her head. No, it wasn't the time to be worrying about that, now, was it? It absolutely wasn't. First she had to check on the well-being of the other people here. Methodically, she went from each unconscious form, checking them for injuries. Satisfied that the seemed unharmed, she came to a stop near one and gently shook them. "Are you okay? You haven't been harmed, have you?" she asked. Attempting to wake them seemed like the next logical step, after all. But then she heard... a scream?! Was someone in danger?! One of the others had already awakened, and already guessed at the same outcome...! Unable to stop herself from pursuing(what if the girl was running into danger? And they had to help whoever else was in trouble...) Mimori followed the hooded girl. [hr] [h2]The Immature and Explosive Mage Girl Looking to Make the Most of This[/h2] ... Well. This was... new. There were people. And... things that looked like people but looked like someone had bolted animal bits onto them. A lot of them. It was some kind of big party, insofar as she could tell, where everyone was having a good time. The tiny blonde girl pushed up her oversized hat and peered deeper into the crowds. There sure was a lot of commotion, here. She was surrounded on all sides by a bunch of people and weird animal thingies. But it looked like a festival, didn't it...? ... Miyu's sweet tooth flared to life. Right after reviving, she'd been dropped into a festival! She didn't care how that worked, she just knew it meant candy. And eating candy for the first time in her new form would be great, wouldn't it?! Wouldn't it?! Of course it would be! Sporting a rather excited smile, her far too long coat dragging on the ground behind her, the girl shuffled forward... and promptly stopped when she heard a scream. Up until then she'd just be filled with a flurry of excitement, but then... that was not right. And now there was... people were definitely scared rather then excited. Well. "... Hmph, I'm not reviving just to be caught by some losers calling themselves something lame like that," Miyu commented. Oh, it was scary, but... 'The Wild Hunt'? Hmph! With that, the tiny girl turned tail and immediately broke into a highly unimpressive sprint. It seemed she was about as athletic as you'd expect from a tiny, harmless-looking nine-year-old in oversized clothing.