[hider=Jessebelle] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/2b/8a/b8/2b8ab827c403cb1d8a7a2c1559d66bcd.jpg[/img] Name [color=ec008c]Jessebelle Marie Lestat[/color] Age [color=ec008c]16[/color] Sex [color=ec008c]Female[/color] Species [color=ec008c]Human [/color] Crush/Relationship Status [color=ec008c]Single/No Crush[/color] Clubs [color=ec008c]Flower Arrangement[/color] | [color=ec008c]Women's Alliance[/color] Personality [color=ec008c]Jessebelle comes across as very soft spoken and shy, or frosty and lady-like to those who haven't met her before. On the surface, she is formal, polite and rather distant. She acts the part of a Princess, hiding her true face behind a mask of regality. Behind the mask, Jessebelle is a sweet girl, troubled by her lack of free will. She despises being royalty, and the way women are treated around the world, but she is a woman of her duties. There is a submissiveness to her outer nature that lacks when she is confronted with the inequalities of the world, and does what she can to dissipate tension as well as unfairness. [/color] Biography [color=ec008c]Born the first daughter and second child of Polish royalty, Jessebelle has always had everything taken care of for her, though she took part in lessons with other aristocratic girls in needlework and equestrian. She learned how to be a lady, though when she began to realize she was not being taught how to rule she began to argue. She wanted to be trusted with that responsibility and not be treated differently simply because she had been born a woman. Her mother was on her side too, though her father was a man who didn't want to defy tradition. It was when her elder brother - the crown prince - stood up for her that her father relented and allowed her to learn. Upon the discovery of this school, and the people within it, she protested to run her own campaign and create a healthy and stable relationship with the Hybrids who made their homes near them. [/color] [/hider] [hider=Allana] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/1c/4d/33/1c4d3377ddad024406ed1d152ca7afb0.jpg[/img] Name Allana Fierce Age 17 Sex Female Species Hybrid Feline Crush/Relationship Status Single/No Crush Clubs Track & Field | Mixed Martial Arts | Various Sports Teams Personality Allana is a feline in more than just body. She is fickle, picky and moody, but also playful, affectionate and caring. There are days when she is nothing but irritable, and other days when she does nothing. Being stuck in one spot bothers her, and thus pushes her away from either a romantic life or solid friendships. Easily bored and annoyed by others, she tends to spend her days in solitude. On the other hand, she is a predator, and when smelling fear or weakness she tend to take advantage of it. She is instinctive and impulsive, often giving into her whimsical desires. Biography Allana was birthed far inside of the jungle, her mother fighting to rid herself of the burden so that she may again walk without pain. The kit, raised in the jungle, knows more about fighting and killing than she does about social etiquette. She was born to a race of hybrids rarely seen, and thus when she found herself captured by poachers, [/hider]