[b]Battlefield Survival Guide for Dummies[/b] [hr] At first things were going pretty good, Sonia simply lied there taking in the crisp blue sky above. Her mind was in a strange state of panic and serenity; on one hand she did just die, not to mention the experience of falling face first into a mountain wasn't all that pleasant, but also she was still damn well enjoying the prospect of a new, exciting life. Sure she wasn't a he anymore... but that didn't matter, it was a decision she made for herself and it felt awesome. No more late nights at a job she hated, no more living in a damp, cold apartment, none of that. This was going to be her new life, one filled with adventure and for once she is going to be happy. It was then the rumbling finally registered with the newly minted catgirl, Sonia realized it had been there the whole time. Suddenly she got curious, what was it? She sat up, although not without noticing the alien feeling of her own body even just ignoring the very obvious ears and tail, it was still a lot different from her old, male form. Quickly it dawned upon Sonia what the rumbling was all about, a freaking massive army is really hard to miss after all, then of course when she turned towards the other direction she found the other one. Her earlier optimism gave away to a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach, holy shit was she about to lose her life before it even began? Sonia tried finding a logical reason why not to be afraid, she was just a stranger to these people, maybe they'll leave her alone because a really confused catgirl doesn't make much of a threat, although as she looked around some more that apparently probably wasn't going to be the case. First, she actually wasn't alone there were others with her, she had no idea who they could be and quite frankly had bigger problems to tackle. Second, the corpses. The scene around her wasn't all that pretty, a couple of dead soldiers were strewn all over the place. Again that sick feeling returned to her because she didn't have to guess how they died. With shaky legs she had to stand up, there was no way she could survive this by just sitting there. Sonia's attention was instantly drawn by the equipment left behind by those soldiers... hell what was she thinking about doing? Without bothering with any of her "companions" she ambled towards the nearest corpse, in the dead man's hand was a sword. It was a life and death situation, it was no time to complicate the morality of battlefield looting. With a deep exhale she crouched over the man, then started to pry his cold fingers from the weapon, the action still felt wrong. Eventually it was free and she simply took it in own hand. The blade was coated in a fine layer of dried blood, and the metal was obviously rusted, plus the edge had more than just a few niches in it, still at least she had a weapon now. She reasoned with enough force it could still maybe do some damage. To the side she found something else, a shield. It was a simple wooden one, but much like the sword it wasn't in stellar condition. The boards were bent and it barely formed a defensive layer. Not to mention it smelled heavily of mold from sitting in the mud for so long, but again like with the sword at least she had something else to defend herself with. After that she didn't know what to do. She was technically armed, although not like she could fight off an army by herself, especially considering she didn't even know the first thing about fighting. Sonia just assumed she would suddenly have that knowledge, or she would have time to learn, seems like that wasn't going to happen. So instead she just stood there, waiting for either army to finally reach her.