[center][img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/1d861258-eeb4-4901-9019-d797ba513e09_zpslbchscfq.jpg[/img] [h1]Napoleon's Empire of Greater Frankenreich[/h1][hr][/center] [i]"A great nation reborn under the guise of the devil himself", Those are the words that describe the newly rekindled flame of the slumbering Frankenreich. It walks the world once more with the will of it's predecessors. But it no longer walks with elegance or nobility. It's knightly and chivalric values long lost under the leadership of the devil. The Empire had been forged on the corpses of Spain and Portugal, and Frankenreich had once more become a power to be feared under the rule of it's authoritarian emperor, Napoleon II. With steel and gunpowder the French revolutionary warmachine marches on, and it's people make due with what little they have.[/i] [center][hider=Territory][img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/PRcuG38_zps0qtha8hb.png[/img][/hider][/center] [hr][center][h3]Description of Government:[/h3][/center][hr]Napoleon's Empire of Greater Frankenreich is a nation which is ruled by absolute monarchy, it's monarch would be the Emperor, or Empress depending on the regent's gender. Currently the seat belongs to Napoleon II, son to the man who founded the Empire after his campaign to conquer western Europe's mainland. Upon his success he forged the Empire of Greater Frankenreich. Together with his military council he rules the nation and oversees military actions personally. The Emperor of Greater Frankenreich also acts as the nation's High General and devises and controls military strategies and tactics personally with possible aid avalible in the form of senior generals too old for the battlefield but far too wise to discard. Whilst the Emperor, or Empress (Imperateur, Imperatrix) of the nation holds absolute authority over all matters regarding the country, to be elected unto the council of military advisors is a most prestigous accomplishment that will be honoured for generations. The monarch's rulership and how they rule is shaped by the ruler themself. This means that the ruler could deligate tasks to different offices and have them oversee certain matters should the monarch not feel the need to personally oversee all matters personally. [hr][center][h3]Description of Economy:[/h3][/center][hr][center][hider=Currency][img]http://www.leftovercurrency.com/Resources/banknote-100-belgian-francs-1967.jpg[/img][/hider][/center]Thanks to newfound national unity amongst the people, and the imports and exports that the nation already had prior, the industrialization has been going impressively well, even some saying that it's industrial boom was unimaginably rapid. Now the nation is ruled by imperial edicts and work laws written by the Emperor himself and the cities are policed and controlled by the military garrisons. But it is thanks to these edicts that the people feel proud to be french once more. Whilst the nation does not produce many quality wares in the forms of public goods like furniture, tools, or other things of the like. But Frankenreich's production of military goods the quality never before imaginable. Frankenreich lives on it's ability to produce quality military products on a profitable scale and it's trade with the nations around it is an important lifeline. It is through this trade that Frankenreich thrives, and it's military even more so. It is thanks to this trade that the city-fortresses of Frankenreich know riches the likes french nobility never would've imagined. But it is also thanks to this fact that the farmers have grown ever poorer and scrape together anything they can merely to meet the monthly quota. Frankenreich knows this and through it's ambitions it has guaranteed citizens of all social castes a chance in the military. [hr][center][h3]Description of Culture:[/h3][/center][hr]Frankenreich has been in a cultural decline ever since the fall of it's power in the latter half of the renaissance. But thanks to the victories that Napoleon wrought forth, and with his declaration of a new Empire of Europe, the people have become more nationalistic than ever. The people of Frankenreich and her factories are brought together in countless pubs where they party and talk about all matters of news avalible to their ears. This brings the people together and it also makes for a very nice feel in the cities of Frankenreich where the people walk the streets laughing and enthusiastically shouting at their friend two streets across. This atmosphere is obviously only thanks to the incredible success that Frankenreich's export goods have been giving. The nation is richer than ever, but the people are as divided as ever as well. Whilst I did mention that nationalistic and patriotic tendencies were higher than ever, the nation has far to go before it becomes egalitarian. The middle class have fun on the streets on their off hours from the factories. The higher class attend gatherings of the nobility. And finally, the farmers attend the crops until the sun sets, never to rest. The social classes of Frankenreich are so divided that it is inconcievable to see any of them in the same area at any time. The only thing holding the social castes together is their faith, one which is gradually losing it's charm. Originally the nation itself was a proud and mighty guardian of the Adasim faith, but of late the scientific advancements of the scientists and newfound philosophical advances have proved essential in slowly, but gradually, transforming the nation into that of an atheistic one. This transformation only first took place during the founding of the Empire, and with the rekindling of French cultural enthusiasm. In fact, the reintroduction was so great, and the advances that Frankenreich has made in the cultural, scientific, and military chapters of the world were so great that they were called the Imperial Renaissance. It is thanks to this second renaissance that the nation of Greater Frankenreich has been able to gain this immense power from almost nothing. This renaissance is the very soul of french nationalism and imperial might. [hr][center][h3]Description of Military:[/h3][hr][hider=Army][img]https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/disp/9a757f43255495.5607418aa0488.jpg[/img][img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/a18b/f/2012/048/9/2/steampunk_officer_by_therollingman-d4q1t27.jpg[/img][img]http://assets.cgsociety.org/challenge/entries/22/17349/17349_1230121306_medium.jpg[/img][img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/80c59aa71eb78d255f3025684cc96e14/tumblr_nlud7nv4Cp1tiv0eno1_1280.jpg[/img][img]http://img02.deviantart.net/6f3c/i/2010/207/3/4/steampunk_knight_by_hycarius.jpg[/img][img]http://img12.deviantart.net/2ebb/i/2009/296/8/8/steam_knight_by_spacegoblin.jpg[/img][img]http://pre10.deviantart.net/7e9e/th/pre/i/2011/217/1/3/steampunk_templar_by_erebus88-d45levf.png[/img][/hider][hider=Navy][img]http://coolvibe.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/navalclash.jpg[/img][img]http://www.parl.gc.ca/About/Senate/WorkofNavalArt/images/gallery/large/9.jpg[/img][img]http://laststandonzombieisland.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/68a73041.jpg[/img][img]https://laststandonzombieisland.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/uss-colorado-wc.jpg?w=479&h=315[/img][img]http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn207/insm/25160_battleship_white_w_122_963lo.jpg[/img][img]http://shahriarshahabi.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/battleships.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=Airforce][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/galacticafanon/images/5/56/ColonialFleetAirCarrier.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110802150643[/img][img]http://stuffpoint.com/steampunk/image/415134-steampunk-battleship-wallpaper.jpg[/img][img]http://www.miscellaneoushi.com/thumbnails/detail/20121029/clouds%20aircraft%20steampunk%20pilot%20navy%20digital%20art%20aircraft%20carriers%20airship%20armada%201920x1080%20wallp_www.miscellaneoushi.com_51.jpg[/img][/hider][/center]The backbone of all things that makes Frankenreich into what it is, that'd be the military of Greater Frankenreich. Reforged from scraps and rubble by the might of Napoleon and his advisors, Frankenreich has under the short span of one imperial generation advanced from the worst power of Europe into one of it's leading parties. Whilst it's colonial reaches would be the shortest out of all European nations, that matters little for it's economy is based not on luxury goods, but on essential military tools, weapons, and robotics. This can be seen in it's fine arsenals. The military, which'd be the three branches of it, recieves direct payment from the Imperial banks and with this they're equipped with the latest equipment avalible from the French factories. One thing to take not of is the fact that all export goods are of a lower quality than the standard military equipment. The first branch would be the army, or the Armée Impériale. This branch is the most heavily used and also has access to the most equipment and tools depending on what has to be done. The imperial army is branched off into seventeen individual armies (~80 000 soldiers per army) lead by their respective generals. These generals all answer to the Imperateur and his War Council. Under these armies are 4 different regiments with 35 brigades. All regiments operate autonomously and only adhere to certain commands, such as "capture that location". How it's done is up to the Regiment Commander. This autonomy continues downwards all the way to company level where the captain is authorized, but not demanded, to take direct command of platoon elements. The French are known for their autonomous operation, and it has been key in many victories against more stationary opponents such as Spain and Portugal's armies. The second branch is the Marine impériale, or the navy. They operate with the same autonomy as the army, but on a far greater scale. Fleets are, of course, for the sake of order, under the absolute command of the Admiral of the Fleet, but these admirals were able to discuss amongst themselves in order to devise procedures, patrol routes, and offensives without the direct involvement of the Imperateur. Because of this, the Imperateur is not the supreme admiral of the navy, instead Joseph Halle Lois Blanc II stands as the Supreme Admiral of the Fleets. And the final branch would be the Aeromarine Impériale, also known as the Airforce. The Aeromarine Impériale is very much like the Airforce in the way that the Airborne Admirals are able to direct and coordinate individually without any necessary involvement from the Imperateur, but the Aeromarine is also limited in the way that they are locked to certain theatres of combat. Unlike the Navy, the Aeromarine is highly limited in it's range due to it's high focus on firepower and survivability. The Supreme Admiral of the Aeromarine is named Charle Lois Foiv [hr][center][h3]History:[/h3][/center][hr]Frankenreich, the great and glorious Frankenreich. A name which would make a man shake should the name ever be mentioned during medieval history. Frankenreich has always been a nation of absolute power, it has always ruled with authority and respect. But Frankenreich lost it's legendary prestige during the latter halves of the times of the renaissance. Internal conflicts ripped the bowls of the nation apart, and the revolution destroyed all which made Frankenreich great. But thanks to the revolution, Frankenreich was able to rise up once more. Even if it had been destroyed, discarded on the lands of Europe, it had now regained it's glister. It rose with new life under the helm of a ruler powerful enough to reforge Frankenreich into what it should be. Even with outdated technologies and tools he was able to overwhelm Spain and portugal, and conquer the islands of the mediterranean. It was under the helm of Napoleon himself that Greater Frankenreich was born, it's life essence rekindled in a magnificent burst of life. Quickly, the nation was reborn, and Napoleon spent the rest of his life suppressing the poor and empowering the workers of the newfound industries. His life was spent on training the next generation, and seeing to it that his legacy was not merely great masses of land, but a proper, functioning Empire with a powerful military force to back it up. He converted the cities to fortresses, and saw to it that the military offered a second chance for those who could not live on their own. And now with those foundations, and Napoleon the Great lying lifeless under the expansive Imperial Palace of Paris, his son, Napoleon the Second, takes up the mantle of Emperor in leading the ambitions of Greater Frankenreich onwards unto new heights. His first decree, as Emperor, was establish a foothold in Africa. It was done. The fangs of the Imperial Army were first shown to the world in their conquest and colonization of the tribal lands of northern Africa. It was truly a sight to behold. Now, in the present day, the african expeditionary force has settled down, and is ruling orderly over their colonies of northern Africa. But the ambitions of Frankenreich have yet to be soothed and Napoleon now eyes longingly for the British isles. Britannia will be his, he dreams.