Confusion was basically Jenet's mindset once she was conscious enough to get a feel of her surroundings. She was lying on something soft, from the way it tickled her skin she assumed it was grass. She also felt a slight breeze and heard a distant rumbling. She was dead, or well, she had died. The recent memory of reincarnation came to her mind as she finally found the will to open her eyes, filling in a few blanks like why she was breathing. But there was now questions swirling around in her mind like "Where am I? What the heck is that rumbling sound? And what do I do now?". Jenet sat up and got the answers she wanted. She was in the middle of a big field, the rumbling was a huge army that was approaching and she was going to get out of their way. Jenet quickly scrambled up, almost falling over as she did so as she wasn't used to her own body yet, and quickly turned to start running away. Except there was another just as big army coming towards her from that direction. She was sandwiched in and starting to panic. She hadn't picked out spells to fight with! Hell, only one of them were useful for defending herself with! The other two were only food for either running away or helping make sure things that might want to fight her, didn't notice her. Jenet was going to go into full out panic mode when she noticed something on the ground. A dead body. But more importantly, the shield that was lying next to the dead body. It wasn't great by any means. It was made of wood and looked like it could only take a few more hits. Some would also say it would be redundant to carry a shield when she could summon a magic one, but the more protection she had the better. So with an apology to the corpse she was stealing from (hey, she had died too and wasn't going to need her stuff from her old life, it wasn't like this guy was going to need his stuff anymore either), she took the shield. After that, Jenet looked around for a weapon, in case she did have to fight. Her first thought was to get a sword, and while there were more than a few somewhat decent looking swords lying about, the few Jenet tried to pick up were much to heavy for her to swing around for long. This is what she got for picking a more speed and avoidance based character, wasn't it. So with swords out of her options, she looked for something smaller. She went with the first thing she found, a hand axe. The sharp end was kind of dull and it didn't have great range, but it was light enough for Jenet to swing around and would hurt if she hit someone with it, so that was good enough for her. Now that she was somewhat armed and protected, she had to find out. That's when she noticed something else. People, but not the soldiers. They were standing in the middle of the field, like her, and they weren't wearing uniforms. She remembered hearing from...somewhere (who had told her this?) that there had been other people reincarnated at the same time as her. So maybe these were some of those people! Maybe they could help her get out of here! "H-Hey!" Jenet called out as she quickly ran over to the two. She noticed right away that one was a cat girl, and the other was human? He looked human? His ears were kind of pointed though so perhaps not? Well, that didn't matter right now! "You guys are like me right?" She asked once she finally got over to them. "I mean, reincarnated?" Boy, if they weren't like her, then she was definitely going to sound crazy. "A-Anyways! Do you guys know a way out of here? I kind of don't want to die again by being crushed by two different armies..." [@Damiann47][@ClocktowerEchos]