Arden had pushed back one of the panels so she could peek out and watch what the guy below her was doing. And then, to her dismay, [i]another[/i] guy showed up. At least he seemed to know what he was doing when he kept the biters out. She'd have to ask him for a few lessons before she made them leave. She watched the door for a few moments, waiting until she was sure it wouldn't give. Then, with a resigned sigh, she slid back the panel all the way and climbed down, dropping to the floor almost in between the two men. She had a Bowie knife in her hand, and she seemed to know very well how to use it. "Welcome to my humble abode," she said, looking anything but welcoming. She looked kind of ticked off. Understandable, since this 'Matt' had lured a dozen biters to her house. "As soon as the dead wander off, I want the both of you to get lost. This library isn't very big and there aren't many places for people to hide out. I suggest the refugee camps in Golden Valley." ((Because I guess this just became Minnesota?)) Never mind that Golden Valley was two hours away by car, and was nearly impossible to get to on foot. And by now, they were also most likely crawling with zombies. [hider=OOC] Aaaah it's short. ;-; [/hider]