Now :) Sorry it took me so long, but I got the IC post up. Split it with some more intro information to set up the scene, of course the italics are like a narrator thing. Merlin talking to us players, none of our characters would know that part about Mal. So feel free to post and we'll get underway. Jolly, I know you're knew to this type of playing, so just ask me if you have any questions. Valeric, I wasn't sure if Devin would be a new recruit with Briar Rose or if he'd be in the Guild Hall training or something. So I didn't set anything up for you. Feel free to just jump in with whatever he's doing, or come out of the rain if you're going to be a new recruit. You can ask me if you need to bounce ideas off of me first if you're not sure. I also bumped the Interest Check threads so hopefully that will pull in a couple more players.