The loyalist stared the german in the eye,"Becuase I did nothin' wrong," The man stated trying to not blow up," I gave ya the stink eye because ya killed one o' my brothers. Is that a crime now ta? Ta be mad at someone fer killin' yer family?" He said glaring at Jarvis," Those people were idiots, yes, but were our friend and we protected each other so excuse us fer bein' a lil' peeved fer watchin' 'em die knowin' we can't do jack shit ta protect 'em 'r else we die an' sorry ta say this pal but I have a family an' I don' plan on dyin' anytime soon," The man says getting mutters of agreement from the others. Kiley had sat on her bed looking through her phone looking at pictures of her and Elyana, Ralph before he hated her, Marcus, her mom. A tear came to her eye and she wiped it away quickly as the door opened Blitz came waltzing in. "Thanks Connar,"Blitz says winking. The man flips her off and closes the door earning a laugh from the woman," Oh I love messing with 'em they're way to damn serious for their on damn good," She says walking over to the bed where Kiley sat smirking. "Yer an' ass," Kiley said. "I know I am it comes with the job application.'MARINES! Come join! You either get a stick up your ass, become an asshole, be that funny guy that blows shit up or are serious towards the point of boring the enemy! Apply free if your already all of the above'," Blitz says sounding like she was an announcer off of the radio. Kiley was laughing," S-so y-your the asshole part?" "Yep I think Jarvis is a mix of Asshole and the dude that blow shit up," Blitz says with a smirk. "Oh he's not that bad!" Kiley said laughing. "He's not but he can be," Blitz says as kiley took a bite out of a piece of fruit. She looks over and sees her phone and her eyes widen a bit," Ya still have your phone?" "Yup," Kiley says with a stuffed mouth." Idroid 5 my sister gave it ta me fer christmas," Kiley says swallowing the food. She unlocks her phone and hands it to the Marine who looks at all the pictures there was one with a girl who looked about 20 and a 15 year old Kiley. "Is that-" "My older sister Elyana," Kiley says looking at the picture. Blitz looks at Kiley and saw tears shining,"Did they-" "jus' came outta no where Blitz. One second thats all it took and My big sister was dyin'," Kiley whispered Blitz just listening," S-she killed 'erself. She didn't want them fuckers in her!" Kiley said getting a little more angry," T-then I am so happy cause Erika said I can go home! Right?" Kiley said her voice cracking. Blitz nodded telling the girl that she understood,"Well I didn't! Ya know what I got! And Why because the fucker blamed ME! Why ME!? Huh? I fought my ass off fer Elyanna!! Ask Miles, Ask Erika ask fuckin' anyone who was with me before when all this fucking began! I did my damn best ta protect my sister!! SO WHY DID HE BLAME ME!! HUH!?" Kiley asked glaring at Blitz before she started sobbing and dry heaving. blitz puts the plate of food on the night stand along with the phone and brings Kiley close to her letting her fully grieve. She laid her head on Kiley's and rocked her back and forth for a while. The door opened a bit and Connar poked his head in Blitz nodded letting him know its just the medicine. Before the door closed again but Blitz had gone back to hugging her friend. "Breath Spit Fire," she whisper," Sh.." She whispers runnimg a hand through what hair showed from the girls hat," Yer home. we are all safe. We aren't going to leave you,"Blitz whispered," And that's a damn promise."Blitz says. After a bit the girl had calmed down form sobbing to just dry heaving. "My real name is Ena," Blitz said randomly," The reason why I don't go by it is because my parents had called me that and well I'm not a fan of them,"Blitz said. 'Why?" "Reasons I don't want to talk about,"Blitz said in a hard voice before she sighed," How 'bout we finish this food alright?" "Okay," Kiley said grabbing a apple and taking a bite out of it