[h2]The Immature and Explosive Mage Girl Looking to Make the Most of This[/h2] "... Just don't go knocking me around too much. Hmph," replied Miyu, leaving herself seated on the large man's shoulder. He... sounded hispanic. Miyu wasn't exactly familiar with people from that far west, but the language he kept dipping into sounded like it at least. It was all she could guess. However, when he sudden;y lept into the air, and then did it several more times, she let out a panicked yelp and latched onto anything she could grab to keep from falling. That was even more scary! It wasn't long, at least, until they safely came to rest on a rooftop. At the very least, he had a point. They looked like they were far out of reach of anything nasty. The winged man... a tengu? He seemed like a tengu, soon reappeared. Miyu folded her arms as she looked him over quickly. He didn't look like a pervert, at least. "... You'll still have to get me some candy to make up for grabbing me like some airborne pervert. She wasn't going to pass up the chance to get some candy, even if he didn't fit the bill for some really creepy guy or something. Miyu looked away and frowned as she glanced off the side of the building for a moment. "I didn't even get to enjoy this..." she continued, her cheeks puffing up in a pout, "Hmph, I'll just have to get more candy, then..." Part of her hoped most of the people below got out okay, but it wasn't as if she was in the position to do anything to help, was it? It wasn't. She didn't exactly know how to use any of those things she'd tried to put in her character sheet or... whatever. So hope was all she could do. "... I'm Miyu," she added, introducing herself, "... And you're definitely not much of a guardian angel or whatever, just swooping out of no where and scaring a little girl in an already pretty scary situation." She let out an exaggerated sigh, "You might have saved me, but that didn't make it any less scary. Hmm... double the candy once we get out of here sounds fair, doesn't it? Fufufu~"