[color=f6989d][b][h3]Sapphyre Martel [sup]Survival...[/sup][/h3][/b][/color]Sapphyre watched on as the hoard of rotten zombies began to beat at the front door of the Library. What started as a couple, grew into a few, and as each minute passed the noise that they made drew more and more from the surrounding areas. It could be seen how little control they had over their own bodies when some of the zombies lingering around the streets would trip over the gutter and dead bodies, an act that a regular human would be able to avoid quite easily. But all that wasn't the concern right now, for Sapphyre she was growing increasingly anxious about what would happen to those that were inside the library at the time. If enough of the beast surrounded the building, they would eventually find an opening, and once that occurred they would flood into the building like water to a submarine that sustained damage. A shelter that eventually would become a tomb to those inside. Feeling the adrenaline beginning to hit her, Sapphire glanced up over the window's edge for anything that could be used to cause a distraction... anything! Across the road from the Cafe laid a car that had recently been in a crash. The bonnet was buckled in as it hugged the telegraph pole that it had become attached to. [color=f6989d][i]Maybe I can start it up...[/i][/color] she wondered as she kept herself crouched and ventured her way out of the Cafe doors, carefully wandering over to the vehicle. Her eyes darted around the environment making sure that she wasn't seen by anyone or anything. The last thing she wanted to become now was dinner for the zombies. As she approached the car she placed her hand on the door and carefully lifted the handle. To her surprise it was unlocked and upon opening the door she was greeted by a drooling figure of a half decomposed body that laid there in the seat, strapped in with the seatbelt. Sapphyre shrieked, throwing her hands onto her mouth and swung her body around so that she was on the other side of the door, using it as a shield between her and the rotting corpse. Muttering to herself [color=f6989d][b]"Please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't kill me..."[/b][/color] she noticed that no movement, nor groaning was heard, and as she peered around the corner she saw that this body was completely dead. Whiplash had snapped the neck in a way that it was hanging out and staring at her, yet the rest of the body faced the opposite way. Taking a sigh of relief, she scurried around the door and saw the keys hanging out of the ignition. Giving it a turn she heard the car click, but nothing within the motor was sounding like it was going to ignite. [color=f6989d][b]"Shit!"[/b][/color] she cursed, realising how stupid it was to think that a car this damaged would ever start up again, but as she sat there kicking her self for her stupidity, she heard the faint sound of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoER5tHhQw8]music[/url] from inside the vehicle. [color=f6989d][b]"This'll get their attention!!!"[/b][/color] as she leaned over Mr Dead Dude, thankful that at least the electronics still worked, and cranked up the volume as loud as possible. With more and more danger coming to the Library, this was sure to attract the attention of the beasts. All that was left to do was for Sapphyre to run back to the Cafe and wait to see what would happened next.