[@Simple Unicycle][@Lilygold][@DigitalDemon][@fourtimesnine][@booksmusicanime] [color=ec008c]"Alright, hon. Lets go!"[/color] the robot cheerfully says to Kaia, leading her by the hand to New Snowdin. Once Sans and Papyrus' house were in her point of view, she saw a crowd being protected by Kim, the girl spinning her ax to keep the brothers' bones away. [color=ec008c]"Kim! Papy! Sans! Alphys! Undyne! I see that you're all here, and that you're keeping Kim entertained! And there's another human with you guys, too. Hello there~"[/color] Mettaton says, stopping about a yard from the group so Kaia doesn't get hurt. Kim sees the robot at the corner of her eye, managing to hear her over the music, too. [color=0072bc]"TonTon!"[/color] she says, then starts spinning the ax lower to the ground, enough that the weapon touched the snow. A large amount of snow flew at the brothers and the bones, enough that the girl could push the group all out of the way, and next to Mettaton and the girl. The child looked back and forth between each creature, human and monster. [color=0072bc]"Who's the new girl? With those bandages around her eyes, does that mean she's blind? How come her hair looks grey? Do we get to go to Grillby's now? Can we bring everybody with us? The fish lady is Undyne and the reptile monster Alphys, right? You talk about them a lot, especially Alphys. Are they dating or something? Ton, I asked Papyrus about you guys and dating, but he said he likes everything about you but not in [i]that[/i] way, so what do you think of him?"[/color] Kim flooded everybody with questions once again, making Mettaton chuckle as a response. [color=ec008c]"Darling, please ask the questions later. Now, let me introduce you guys to Kaia, another human child that I ran into in the area. Yes, she's blind, which is why I came here a little earlier to see if you guys want to hang out!"[/color] Mettaton explained, directing most of it towards Kim to see if she would take the hint. She only knitted her eyebrows together from confusion.