[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i1lzYEF.jpg[/img] [url=http://i.imgur.com/9EatIgZ.jpg]"Hm...that wasn’t fun."[/url] [h2][b]Arata[/b][/h2] [i]Night Parade of One Thousand[/i] [/center] [hr] [b]Age:[/b] Not really certain. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Oni [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight [b]Year:[/b] No Year Yet [b]Abilities:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wVCl_784Ck]Stronger Than You[/url] The ‘general’ of one thousand oni, Arata possesses nigh-limitless physical strength, enough that his physical form would be incapable of holding all that power without exploding into a bunch of gorey bits. At maximum strength, Arata is capable of casually swinging around a car like how others would wield a sword, and he bench presses fully loaded buses for training. However, even that relatively mediocre amount of physical strength is enough to splatter opponents from time to time. Thus, the Night Parade is also under a self-inflicted curse. Against those that are weaker than them, their strength will be limited to only slightly stronger than their opponents, ensuring that they will never completely overwhelm even the weakest of foes. The amount of physical strength Arata is allowed to wield takes into consideration magical power as well, and, when fighting against a group of enemies, takes the strongest of the group as the ‘limitor’. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuTgHZgA6Q8]Legendary Resistance[/url] With sheer Determination, Arata overcomes all barriers that stand in his way, an avatar of destruction that can only be stopped by destruction. All magical spells, outside of purely destructive ones, can be shrugged off and resisted with his Determination. Attempts to exorcise his army have been laughed at. Attempts to teleport him have been shrugged off. Attempts to deceive him have been ignored. Against his advance, only destruction can dissuade him. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0ysgzapjJE]Gigalomania[/url] With immense Willpower, Arata can force reality to make concessions for himself, pulling off physical feats that would be practically impossible without magical aid. While he is generally incapable of meeting the requirements for this ability, when it does happen, he is quite literally causing a miracle to happen just by willing it. This miracle more often than not manifests itself in the form of allowing him to exceed his safety limits without exploding. [b]Strengths:[/b] His power allows him to always have a good fight regardless of how strong or weak his opponent is, while his ability to flat-out no-sell magical effects and warp reality allows him the utility to face down those who are otherwise more versatile than himself. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] His power allows him to always have a good fight regardless of how strong or weak his opponent is, while his ability to flat-out no-sell magical effects and warp reality rely largely on his state of mind. Emotions are much more volatile than a trained ability like magic, after all. [b]Catalyst:[/b] N/A [b]Inventory:[/b] N/A [b]Master:[/b] N/A [b]Squad Name:[/b] N/A [b]Pesonality:[/b] Arata is, like most oni, someone who loves to fight. The blood that flows in his veins is fiery, and he’s a dramatically opinionated person, someone who finds it hard not to get passionate about everything. If he likes someone, he loves them to pieces, always watching their back and wanting to spar with them. If he dislikes someone, he despises them, always looking to pick a fight and beat their heads in. All things considered, Arata doesn’t have much of a middle ground when it comes to interpersonal relationships. He lives vivaciously and violently, and would love nothing more than to drown in the flames of a proper, honorable war. Indeed, Arata is not someone who seeks victory in battle. He values fairness and honesty, seeking to win through skill and spirit, not simply because he drastically overpowers his opponents. Within the battlefield, he does not hold grudges, does not care for revenge, and desires only for his fist to crunch against his foe’s face. It is not within combat that he decides that he hates someone. It is only afterwards that he comes to a conclusion of whether or not they are his best buddy or his archnemesis. Despite having some ridiculously good instincts when it comes to fighting, Arata, due to his heritage and his personality, isn’t really a smart person, academically. He likes simple, clean solutions, and can’t wrap his head around more complex subjects such as physics or psychology. He also hates video games, because why would you play at fighting, when you can just fight in real life? God damned nerds. [b]Backstory:[/B] Arata was once a normal oni, rampaging on the landscapes of Japan alongside his bond-brothers, slaying samurai, causing mayhem, and even challenging the Gods themselves. Back then, they were all audacious and violent, a Night Parade of One Thousand that just wanted to have a good time. Unfortunately, the shrine maidens and the priests didn’t appreciate the festivities. Under the guise of friendship, humans offered sake to the one thousand, lacing it with a drug powerful enough to down enough the greatest amongst them. Then, while the Night Parade slept, they crafted a seal powerful enough to restrain all the oni into a single body. Riotous as they were, the leaderless oni struggled for control of a single, shared body, and spent the next couple centuries flopping around like a pig with one thousand heads, incapable working together long enough to break the prison they were contained in. Only after much struggle did Arata subdue his brothers with promises of glory and grandeur, and only when he became the undisputed leader of the Night Parade of One Thousand did he break out of the jar they were sealed in. The world, by then, had changed drastically. No longer were there wars to rampage in. No longer were there skilled heroes to challenge. In the several centuries that had passed since the Night Parade was sealed, Arata learned that magic, the gift of the gods, had become mainstream. No longer was pure physical power appreciated, nor pure martial skill. It saddened him. He strode through familiar landscapes changed by the passing of time. He found graves eroded by countless storms. He sought the things that he missed. And when the descendants of the exorcists that once sealed them came to restrain him, Arata did not have an appetite for crushing their skulls between his hands. He allowed them to attempt their exorcising spells, allowed them to attempt to re-seal him. And when he tired of their effort, he left. Eleventh months later, a representative of Liseranna Academy found him on top of Mount Everest, and invited him to come, to find himself new allies to fight alongside and new rivals to fight against. In a world that was so bereft with meaningless peace, what could an oni do but accept?