Name: Doomborg Age: Primordial Species: Undead Fungi Humanoid Gender: Male Personality: Doomborg is cold, calulating and can come across as apathetic to some, but not to his subjects. He can even be a bit certeous and polite sometimes and is normally an honorable and loyal friend, assuming one can get underneath his cold exterior. He is a noble king who shows a diffrent side to his subjects. He trys to be a good king and ruler to the best of his abilities and shows mercy towards his subjects, allies and even enemies at times. Bio: Similar to Hel from Norse Mythology, Doomborg is a demi-deity that rules over the icy and lonely planet of Pluto in his universe, where the only thing that grows are poisionous mushrooms. Inside the exterior of Pluto, however, are the souls of those who do not get to go to Valhalla, the hall of the slain, no, but are instead filled with the souls of those who died from diseases, illnesses, starvation, thirst, drowning, basically most other forms of death other than warfare. In troves they come to the gates of Pluto that close shut as soon as they enter, never to leave until Ragnarok, the twilight of the gods and the end of days. While many claim to see this place as hell, what with the ungodly frigid tempretures, it's ruler, despite being named Doomborg, was actually doing his best to make it bearable for the souls of the deceased. He has personaly knitted sweater, blankets, sent some servants to earth in disquise to chop wood to use to make furniture, and all sorts of other charities to the deceased who are now his subjects to make their existance less hellish if only ever so slightly. Doomborg knows that his palace is basically a prison for the damned and knows that they were suffering, but that sort of comes with being the God of the forsaken in the ruling pantheon of gods. Doomborg knew he could not relocate them, for it was divine decree that his house and his house alone shall accomadate them, otherwise the spirits would roam free and cause troubles for the living. Doomborg tries his best to rule fairly and lead by example. He is always willing to fight and even die for what he beleives in, that all souls, no matter how forgotten or outcasted, deserve an afterlife, even if it is a place of suffering. He has recently heard of the conquest of the Reign of Chaos and the struggles of the Alliance, neither of which he even remotely cares about, but is willing to listen to both sides of the story and could make a powerfull ally in the battles to come. Abilities: Undead/Mushroom Physiology: Doomborg is part fungus and fully undead, rendering him the same sort of immunites that either would offer him, such as immunity to any sort pain or sensory feelings since he has no nervous system, and immunity to poison, toxins, and diseases. He also doesn't need to eat, breathe, or sleep, thus immune to anything that affects him in that manner. Fungal Spreader: Doomborg can release posionous spores that targets the nervous system, causing short term paralysis if exposed, or death if prolonged. Doomborg has learned to control the level of toxicity, can relase or hold it back at will, can increase fungus growth and render the toxin non-lethal but still retain its stunning effect. He can accelerate the growth of his fungi and then they can release more spores. This fungi can survive even the vacuum of space, but withers in places with high tempretures like hot deserts. He can also use the fungi to regenerate any surface wounds inflicted to him. Cyromancer: Doomborg is a master of ice magic. He is completly immune to even extreme forms of cold like liguid nitrogen and cannot be frozen. He can conjour giant ice shards to impale his enemies, create a huge 10ft thick ice walls, barriers, bridges, and anything else that can be feasibly made from ice. He can even conjour blizzards and make it snow in large areas. His hailstorm is one of his more devasting attacks, as it just rains sharpened ice. He can also breath a short cone of cold that can freeze even molten magma and lava in place. He can also see through any sort of ice, blizzard, dense fog, or clouds. He can also telekinetically control any form of ice up to thousands of tons. The ice he creates is magical in nature, thus stronger than normal ice and melts at higher temperatures. He can even make ice traps or imbue objects with the power of ice. Necromancer: While Doomborg cannot bring people back from the dead, he can communicate with and see spirits and other supernatural beings, making saonces much easier to conduct. He can also see through all but the most powerful of illusion magic. He can also cause any sort of plant life to wither and die around him if he so chooses. Swordmaster: Doomborg is one of the most skilled swordsmen in the multiverse, rivaled by few. He can parry melee attacks with a sword and can one hand his signature zweihander, Nibelheim, forged from adamantium in the cold furnaces of Pluto. This sword can freeze any wound or scar it creates solid shut, which prevents bleeding but causes a load of other problems since it can freeze internal blood vessals. Nibelheim can even affect ghosts and other incorporeal beings. Nibelheim is reinforced with magic ice, thus is harder to break than regular adamantium. If broken, only the ice from Pluto can be used to reforge it. Fast Reflexes: Run faster than a normal human. Limited Precognition: Doomborg can "see" an attack coming a second before it connects, allowing him to parry it Weaknesses: Extreme Heat Average Durability: While he is a demi-god, his strength and endurance are only slightly better than a human in peak physical condition, thus can be damaged easily. He relies on his undead immunites, his patchwork mushrooms and his ice magic to survive until he can regenerate his wounds. Universe of Origin: Original