The Central City High School, home of the Cougars, has its annual personality testing day. A routine, boring to many, event where each student is given a sheet of paper with questions about themselves and their lives. The tests have been around for years, and while respecting of privacy, are generally never considered much by the public at large. Unless you're aware of its true purpose. Central City is protected by The Superhero Legion, a team of various superheroes over the years that legendary status. The public at large were always told about the heroes and their lives, how they came from humble beginnings sometimes to become icons beloved by all. However the truth isn't quite as it seems. As it was the start of a country wide program created in the late 1940's, young men and women were given personality tests that decided if they would work as superheroes, and when new heroes were needed a lottery of potential applicants was ran and after they accepted were given powers through a ground breaking genetics program, and while maintaining their normal lives also worked as elite superheroes. All while earning at first state minimum wage, eventually earning up to six figure salaries. Recently however, metaphorical shock waves hit Central City when every single member of The Superhero Legion announced a sudden and immediate retirement from superhero work. Plans were quickly put into place to create a new batch of superheroes to protect the city. But the questions are still out there about why did the old heroes retire, who were they, and where are they now?