I apologize for the delay, but I finally made my character. I hope he's okay. [hider=Tetsuo] Name: Tetsuo Soeno Age: 29 Gender: Male Appearance: Tetsuo is a big man, owing to both the muscles built from his training, and the fat he gained from his large appetite. He keeps his hair short to avoid getting in the way, and his most common facial expression is a smile. His usual casual outfit is a long-sleeved jacket and jeans, but he wears his armor underneath if he suspects that there might be trouble. He makes sure to keep all of his clothes well pressed and washed because he believes that not doing so would be showing laziness. Personality: Tetsuo is full of enthusiasm and always ready to make friends. He loves hard work and trains seriously, but also makes sure to help those weaker than him. To him, fighting and getting strong is about improving oneself, and it should never be about showing dominance. When it comes to serious disputes, he tries to talk things out first and build trust between people, only using violence as a last resort. The death of his brother has been stressful for him, but he still believes that the best way to solve it is by reaching out to others and working as a team, instead of acting like a lone wolf who trusts no one. Abilities: Because of his virtually nonexistent spellcasting, Tetsuo fights with his hand to hand skills and academical devices. He tries to avoid making pure weapons, and tries to give his devices functions that would be useful in peacetime. Skills: Expert hand-to-hand combatant, using a style mostly based on boxing and wrestling, but also featuring elements of judo and jujutsu. Mechanically minded and good at repairing nonmagical objects along with his alchemical skill. Also has some knowledge of physiology that he picked up over the years. Equipment: As an alchemist he has a number of magical items, but only a few are useful for combat Gauntlets of the sky: His primary offensive weapon, they greatly enhance his strength and the force of his blows. They also can magically adhere to surfaces, giving him an incredibly strong grip. Armor of Ablation: For protection he wears a piece of armor with a hexagonal pattern. It’s designed to absorb blows by sacrificing pieces of itself. As a result it provides good protection for short periods of time, but gets worn down with repeated blows, leaving him unprepared for long fights. Boots of the earth: These boots have two modes when engaged. They can either anchor him in place, or give him a quick burst of speed that propels him a few meters in straight line. A burst of speed requires energy, he can store enough for three bursts at a time and it takes several seconds to recharge. Brief Backstory: Tetsuo’s family line has a lot of mages in it, but none of them were known for much except stubbornness. Their mana is weak and they harbor a lot of resentment towards the rest of magical society, who tend to look down on them for their low status. Tetsuo avoided practicing spells and focused on training his body and his skill at crafting magical objects, because he didn’t want to train his hardest only to see someone from a better family line surpass him due to genetic superiority. He never bothered to get a stable job, instead supporting himself by selling magic objects and doing other odd jobs. His RV is the closest thing to home he has. Tetsuo made friends with other magicians but stayed out the competition and politics, unlike his brother Kotetsu who was always looking to get as involved as he could. It was his Kotetsu’s dream to participate in the White Night and finally bring respect to their family. Tetsuo helped by making gear for him and training with him, but he still thought it was a waste of time. One day, Tetsuo came to visit him in Rokuro, hoping to help finish his final preparations before the White Night and deliver the last pieces of a weapon they were working on together. When he arrived, Tetsuo found that someone had murdered his brother, and stolen the parts of the weapon. He’s determined to find the culprit, but he knows that he’ll have to investigate the White Night if he wants answers. Plot Role: Everyone’s Friend [/hider]