The rogue grumbled and grunted. The sage was not making this easy for her. Deep down, she knew it may come to this but ... All those people. How could she sacrifice their lives like that? She had to inform the magi. Slithering in the shadows, she removed herself from the rooftop nearby. Once again, she was just another member of the bustling crowd. Just another citizen of this pitiful village, so far beyond the grasp of evil. Unfortunately her duties took her right back into its clutch. "Look left, look right, look behind and twice over" she twitched, a paranoid look about her as she made her way to safety. There was a cave, north of the village, her contact would be waiting for her there. As long as she survived the trek. You see, the years had been cruel on this one. She had played in the shadows so long, they started to consume her. She would lose herself in their realm for entire days, even weeks at a time. And it started to corrode her body and mind. Sometimes she would slip into the shadow realm, without even meaning to. It took her half a day, but she had finally made it. Exhausted, she dropped her weight on a rock, large and shaped like a seat, just at the mouth of the cave. She knew he was near, she could smell the magic around him. A side effect. "She's gathered a group, large and powerful at that. She knows we have it. She will make us the enemy and have them hunt us like dogs." Her voice was raspy and tired and she stared out in front of her, as if she could see the happenings of the small town play out. She paused, as if expecting him to respond. A silhouette appeared behind her, seeming to almost walk out of the shadows before standing besides her, revealed to be an older man with a short grey beard and dark brown eyes, covered in a dark blue robe covered in small runes. "Then we must gain the upper hand before they can." a deep, tired voice came from under the figure's cloak. "I have met with my order's council, and at the least, we are not alone in our concerns." He pulled out of a robe pocket a small yellow talisman. "This should help against the Sage. Although as for the group she has gathered, I cannot say how effective this will be. Still, we may be able to finish things without too much trouble from whatever group she has put together... unless they too pose a threat too great to ignore." She didn't even have to turn and look at what he held, she could feel the negative energy coming from the talisman. "Are you sure that isn't too dangerous to use. There are some amongst this group, some who I know - who I've fought beside once before. They are the innocent ones in this. I do not wish them harmed." The talisman had an effect on her. It was strange, she felt .. grounded. It was intoxicating actually, to not feel as if she had one foot constantly slipping into the shadow realm. Grounded, yes. It was the perfect word, and it was what lured her eyes to steal a glance at the yellow gem. "What is that?" she whispered softly, more so to herself than a question posed to be answered. "It will be suitable. The only collateral if it is used will be who seek to stop it from completing its work." The man put the talisman back in his pocket. "For now, you had best watch and see what happens. I will prepare for when the time is right." "..Completing it's work? You make it seem as if ..." whatever effect it was having on her suddenly ceased as the object was put away. She grumbled something. She felt used. And she was no one's puppet. But, she was dealing with forces she barely knew anything about. At this point, she had no choice. "Very well." she said reluctantly. "Is there anything else you would have of me .. while I just wait around and watch", her tone was dry, marked with bits of frustration. Just as dryly, he replied "Nothing comes to mind." He turned and walked back into the cave, blending in with the shadows, with little more than his magical presence to indicate he was still present within. [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] Genevieve had spent all morning preparing spells, taking every precaution she felt she had to. She was sure the sneak would show herself, or at the very least, would attempt to spy on their meeting. Everything had been set, so if she couldn't catch the thief, she would at least make sure to steal back what was stolen. The group had finally been assembled. She clenched a hand in anticipation, a small grin slipped over her face. She slowly walked down the stairs, contemplating every step, every word that would be shared this evening. The faces she would come upon, the part she would play in it all. She took a deep breath before walking into the room ... Her brown hair had been braided several times over, and pulled into a tight bun that sat atop her head. Small ringlets of hair draped over her temples as if to fancy up the stubborn strands that just wouldn't stay bound. Her black velvet corset top molded her frame, squeezing in every bit of plumpness that had developed over the years. And her skirt, a beautiful material, shimmered as she moved about, the shade of sunlight dancing through windowpanes as it set for the evening. Her graceful figure moved into the room with purpose. A small, polite smile painted her face with charm and she dipped her head to those gathered in the room. "Thank you all for coming.", her voice was soft and calming. "Though I thought there would be more of you, I'm sure this will do." She moved to the large chair at the end of the table, bracing her hands over the back as she returned her gaze to them. "For those of you who don't know, I am Genevieve, I come from a land quite far from here, and was once part of order of scribes and sages, whose purpose was to rid this world of the evils that plagued it. Some of you may remember me from battles fought on Silver Lily Isle. And while these past twenty five years may have seemed peaceful, I can tell you that we are all in grave danger. I need your help once more, my friends." She glanced around the table, taking in the faces around her, pausing in her plea for a moment. "A while back, just before I left Waeldeshore, something was stolen from me. This item, paired with the artifact that some of you had procured for me, has unspeakable powers, and can greatly aid me in my quest to defeat the evil that still lingers. I have asked you all here to help me get back what was stolen, to help me defeat the evils of this realm."