Jarvis nodded understanding the man. "You understand why I killed them?... they died because they threatened to turn on us and kill us. Just like Ralph did. If you and your friends here understand that the enemy is not us, but those things out there then I have no more beef with you. I have seen those things completely wipe out a military base when they have their minds set on it. Trust me, I don't wear these pants because they look cool. I am part of a armored division in the army, and our base got hit. By hit I mean it got its ass ripped out and tossed to it. We didn't stand a fucking chance. I survived because I locked myself in my tank. The worse part about it......" He said. He paused trying to hold himself together. "... I had to listen to my brothers in arms, who were pretty much family, scream and die outside while I hid." He looked to the man and narrowed his eyes. "Ralph had to die,... those two assholes that guarded the door were pretty much talking about mutiny and killing me and Erika. Those four that came after me to try and save their friend died to just one of those things." He said. "You can call me a liar if you want but you likely know it is true. If you seen the same kind of blood baths I've seen then you know that they are truly something from hell." He then smirked. "However, one thing I do have to give them out of respect, is their fucking loyalty to one another. Unlike you and your friends, they wont stab another one of their species in the back the first chance they get. They stick together and charge in one massive attack to take down their enemies. Just like they are doing right now.... Meanwhile we stand here fighting each other.... Ralph pulled the first punch. Your friends pulled the second. We just want to live as much as you do. Before you call us dictators.... we all lost family back home. Erika, she lost her mother." He said gesturing to the woman who was in the process of arresting anyone who tried to stop them from surviving this shit storm. "Me?... I haven't heard from my Pops or mother sense they hit Kentucky, so my guess they got killed or worse dragged away to get one of those things put inside them." He then gestured to Bakki. "He had a wife and four kids, all dead, taken away from him by those creatures. He could do nothing but watch them die. He tried to save them but no matter how many he killed they kept coming and kill his family." He then pointed towards the door that Blitz had entered.. "Her,... she being a marine her squad members are basically blood, they are all gone and dead too. As for her family, they most like are too." He then gestured to Jin. "His fiance died in his arms because she had one of those Xenos rip a hole through her gut. She held on long enough just to see him one last time." He then gestured to little Hotaru who was helping out a injured man. "She had to watch her father get pulled away from her and killed." He then looked back at the man. "Now you understand, we are just like you. We all lost something and are trying to survive but you assholes keep trying to prevent us from doing so. Trying to make a home here for all of us, but you people just wont let that happen. If you ask me,... I revisit my earlier statement. Those things out their trying to kill us, I respect them more then anything. They follow each other and die in unity. They don't attack or fight one another. They are superior to us in every way." He said his eyes moving to the one he killed. "They never stab each other in the back, even when the other is trying to save them." He added. He then looked at the man. "You hinder us like your friends... family or not. You will die." He said. --------------- Erika looked to each one of Ralph's men. The ones that stood down she let live and let them have their guns. The one that spit on her and called her a bitch. She dealt with them on the spot. A bullet to the head. At one point the people started to get the picture. "We are not trying to rule over you people, we came here to survive. If you have not noticed we the human race are fighting for our survival. We are not the enemy, they are." She said gesturing outside. " We even went out of our way to bring one of yours back. How did Ralph thank us?... by stabbing us in the back. Jarvis is right.... we are pathetic compared to the enemy. Here we are turning against each other. Plotting to stab one another in the back while the monsters outside kill us one by one. My men even brought a medical pod down to help patch you ungrateful bastards up. What do I receive instead of thanks..." She said looking to one of the people who had threatened to kill her, whose body now laid lifeless on the ground with a bullet in him. "threats. You people are far worse then the monsters trying to kill us." She had every right in her mind to just grab Kiley and her boys. Including her fathers men and saying fuck this place. Let these people die. She then narrowed her eyes as a thought came over her mind. She looked over to the remaining pod. It had enough ammo and supplies for her, Kiley, Blitz and the others to survive on. Her and her fathers men. "You know what fuck it... everyone. We are moving out. Blitz... grab Spitfire. We are leaving. These fucks don't want our help then we will leave." She looked to one of her men. "Move our personel to the drop pod." She then looked to the people and then to the boy that Blitz was getting a liking to. "Those who do want our help are welcome to follow. However,... you assholes who want to be my enemy and are just dying to rip my throat out... you can all die to the damn Xenomorphs. By the way, if they kill you on the spot.. your the lucky one." She said. A lot of the people had the look of terror as she announced that they were leaving. One by one they mouthed their opinions to Ralph's remaining 'commandos' "Great, thanks to you guys we are all going to die." A good some of them couldn't accept it and went with Erika's men to the pod. They had a easy and safe route do to how easy the Xenos went down from the gun fire coming from Erika's men. They were doing it slowly though. They were forcing Ralph's men to make a dicision. Be loyal to a dead asshole or side with Erika and live. If they didn't decide quick enough death would follow for the Xenomorphs would over run them. The Xenos will notice how weak the defenses of the bunker are compared to the pod and hit it first. -------------------------------- Jin and Hotaru just helped up any wounded who wanted to go and supported them. Others did the same. Those who did not want to die. Those who wanted to be safe and alive went with Erika's men and them. They were not going to die because of some grudge that these idiots had against them. Now they had to decide. Jin smiled at how brilliant the decision was. Although he felt they should still occupy the pod as well. The wounded at least... because they needed the extra protection and there had to be medical equipment in the pod that they didn't have that could help. He saw a good strategy to it. The pod could be a place they could run too if things got to heavy out here. He honestly didn't think Ralph's men would cave. These people would rather die then accept a woman as their leader. "I thought you folks respected military.... who do you think Erika is a part of. She is a Marine. The marine corp is part of the military... then again I think its the fact that you people just don't like a woman in charge. How fucking pathetic." He said. He was disgusted in these people. They deserved to die. Jarvis was right with them. He was carrying a man who had his legs bandaged up pretty badly. Jin sighed... at least not all of them were stupid and thick skulled. Hotaru moved along using her body to support a wounded teen. The person was about her age and her height as well. The boy had gotten a serious laceration across his stomach from a good hit from one of the monster's tails. He had chosen to come with them. A lot of them were smart enough to go with them. She felt that the reason some didn't wasn't because they were stupid. She felt it was because they were just stubborn. They knew they needed Erika for survival. They just were not going to admit it. Even if it was their final hour. She suddenly began to be a bit irritated. Why did americans have to throw away their lives for pride. ---------------- Bakki saw the whole thing and even though he didn't think Erika should have given in like this, but he also knew that she had to do this. Force these people to see the error in their ways. Even if it kills half of them. He sighed and looked back outside. He did not need nightvision to know that the Xenos were fixing for another go. Not at the pod or the large group heading for the pod, but for the bunker. They knew it would be weak after the soldiers leave. They were just waiting for the moment to strike. He smiled and brought out a nightvision camera and hooked it up to the monitors. The monitors showed what he was seeing. At the tree line were not hundreds, not thousands, but tens of thousands of the monsters out there. Each one was waiting for the oppritune moment to strike at the bunker. "Now is your time to decide... us or them."