[h2][color=DC143C]Red[/color][/h2] [color=40E0D0][i]Never Been in a War before...[/i][/color] [hr] "Alright prepare to drop!" A man called out over the intercom of dropship. Clearly it was time to get ready for the troops inside but there was only one rider. She, of course, arose from her seat, walked to the rear hatch of the clunking metal ship, and waited for her cue. [color=40E0D0][i]"You know, Red, you don't have to do this...[/i][/color] A low hum of her companion called out from his mysterious blue glow. His voice was always soothing and even now she felt a trickle of that peace of paradise that was so wrongfully robbed from them both. But despite what her companion had said, she had to do this. She made a promise and she always kept her promises. She could feel the ship shift and eventually come to a halt before the screeching sound of the door began to drown out the sounds of the ship's engines. Once the door was fully open, the ex-singer carefully stepped over to the edge of the door, to get a glance of what she was going to be dropping into. The height of the ship made everything on the ground look miniature, save for a few larger bodied entities, but the action was clearly distinguishable. For moment, Red hesitated. She wasn't a solider, just a singer. Sure there was her whole experience of the Process but nothing was ever on this scale. [color=40E0D0][i]"... Heh. I'd be nervous, too.[/i][/color] Hearing his voice again helped Red take that final step forward so her toes were hanging off. [color=40E0D0][i]"Whatever you decide, Red, I'll be with you. Always.[/i][/color] And that was what she needed to lean forward and fall. Skydiving was kind of a new experience to Red but she kind of felt the whole thing invigorating. She closed her eyes for a moment and focused on the rush of the wind blowing past. It would be the last moment of peace she'd have before whatever awaited her down there. [color=40E0D0][i]"Alright Red. It's time.[/i][/color] Red opened her eyes and focused them towards the ground, scanning for a clearing in the action. There needed to be one, otherwise, Red could accidentally Jaunt() right into harm's way. Her companion was the first to find an opening. [color=40E0D0][i]"Red, I found a spot. When you're ready."[/i][/color] Of course he needed her to be ready because she only she could activate the Transistor to perform its various functions. In this case, Jaunt() which would allow Red to teleport a short distance anywhere, with or without her current momentum. Makes it very handy for jumping out of perfectly good airplanes. The moment Red made drew the mental image of her teleporting, she almost instantly appeared in a flash on the battleground, losing all her previous moment to land gently on her feet. Curious and a bit nervous about where she was, she glanced around seeing that an opening had cleared in a battle between two fighters. One in armor and the other in none. The one without appeared to be having it rough after being rammed by the armored man. [color=40E0D0][i]"Roy Mustang. Nice guy. The other one, not so much."[/i][/color] Red knew that he wasn't talking about their personalities but he was cluing her to the alliances of both figures. Red took a few careful steps forward before using Jaunt() to teleport to the side of both fighters. She went in, following Roy's attack by charging towards the knight's side, swinging her large sword up over head and down towards the ground. [@Saint Girralo] [@dirty slime]